Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Pangya Challenges Has Arrived

Sorry about the late post everyone. The korean server has launched the next installment called Pangya Challenges on November 20th 2012. While other servers will receive their upgrade soon, you can take a look on what to expect from Challenges.

1. Meet Spica the new 11th Character

Power 12 | Control 11 | Accuracy 9 | Spin 2 | Curve 3

The shop will carry 4 outfit sets for Spica. Three cash outfit and one pang outfit set. Good news on the Korean server is that the cash outfits can be rented with pangs for up to 7 real-time days.

Zephyr Lab Uniform, Honey Wind Breaker, Mad Rabbit Outfit, and Alien Sports Outfit.

Korea's new scratch rare will contain re-released rares such as the SSAF set, Platinum gloves, Fairy Wings, and High Elf Ears.

2. Daily and Achievement Quests

On the left side, you will see today's daily quest with 3 different goals. You can choose whether to accept that quest or wait until the next day for a different one. If you click on the button below it, that quest will be moved to the right side. The right side is your current daily quest that you are working on that won't disappear until you hit the button below it. There are 3 goals that you can complete that rewards you an item. These goals could be something like hitting Pangya a certain amount of times or completing a specific course and so forth. If you complete either of these goals up to 10 times, you will receive another reward.

My Daily Quest that I received on 12/20/12
● Complete Wind Hill VS match 5 times
● Complete Blue Moon Tournament 3 times (18 hole round)
● Hit Pangya up to 50 times

Achievements has a variety of categories such as Game Mode, Character, Game Record, Exploration, Items, Challenges, and System. You can view other player's achievements and see how they are doing too. This is pretty much your own bragging rights to show off all the things that you have accomplished or can achieve.

Achievement Examples
● Playing Tournament or VS mode x number of times
● Playing Black Papel Shop x number of times
● Playing *insert character here* x number of times
● Synthesizing *insert rarity card here* x number of times
● Playing *insert course here* x number of times

3. New Items

Auto Commander
Select a powershot you want to use and it will input the commands for you. Will receive x200 when you first log-in. Cannot be obtained from shop.

Vector Sign
Shows a small arrow pointing where the ball will go when making the shot. Will receive x200 when you first log-in. Cannot be obtained from shop.

Double Strength Potion
Enables Powershot with +20 yards. Can be purchased from the shop to receive a bundle of 30 of them.

Wind Strength Potion
Enables Powershot with +10 yards + 1m winds. It's a Silent Wind + Strength Potion combined. Can be obtained from Tiki's Point Shop for 3 TP to receive two of them. Can only bring one of this item with you.

4. Card Synthesis

Combine three cards to create one random card. The cost to combine one normal card is 1,000 Pangs, rare card 2,000 Pangs, and super rare card 5,000 Pangs. You can mix any rarities together so if you use two normal and one super rare cards (1,000 + 1,000 + 5,000) it'll cost 7,000 Pangs total.

5. Custom Maps

Players can use a variety of artifact items to add in special bonuses for their own VS or Tournament mode. I believe these artifacts can only be obtained from your daily quests. You can choose to make the room have a variety of bonuses, control winds, and so forth. You can keep a close eye on these rooms by checking the icon next to the room title.

Artifact Effect Examples
● 1-8m winds only
● Pang Bonus +500 or +3000 on last hole
● XP Bonus +2, +4, +6, +8, and +10%
● Higher chance of precipitation

6. Revamped UI

You have the option to enlarge the Pangya Hitbar so you can see it better when using a high resolution.

You may also shift the Pangya Hitbar towards the center.

7. Miscellaneous

- Stats will be reset for the new Challenge season. All of your previous records will be stored on a separate tab.

- Spica does not have any of her facial expression from emoticons and animations yet.

- There's a search button to find items faster at the shop and in your room too.

- The comet ball line indicator that shows how much spin you are putting has been adjusted to show clearer that it's on 7 spin.

and I'm sure there are probably more that I haven't uncovered yet.


Oh man, I guess I'll be playing Pangya again.

Do a voice clip demo for spica (lol)(joke)

I wonder what her voice clips would be like when she arrives at the global server

wow you've surely been busy now with all these updates lol

is there going to be an @Spica_Pangyabot ??? (lol) (joke)

you're getting enough sleep right? xD

Great post! Now we have an idea as to what to expect. Thanks ^ ^)b

Revamped UI... can't wait. Oh the Daily Quests, we had something similar to that on Global, perhaps it was on Arin's birthday. It looks and works the same as you have described DQ.

orz...not sure how to format paragraphs here... my post is not like this in the preview

wonder how Global will distribute the Korean scratch version rares for Spica, given that the items were either scratchy or gacha in nature by Global standards. would theyll be generous enough to release it on scratchy, or turn the tables on and put it in gacha? would they put prizes to it on shop, or play with our $$$ and put in boxes? OR ultimately (and i wish, lol) release them as prizes for an event! we can dream.

the new character doesnt amaze me that much but looking forward to her. im a bit confused about the achievement thing: would that replace the rankings we currently have now? rankings page in Global is pretty messed up right now (i.e. polluted by pang hackers, etc.) and outdated (or do they even bother about it anymore knowing how many obvious hackers are included in it? sentiments from fellow global players are welcome). anyway, back to the topic. the daily quest is a big plus, its a very long overdue and a reason to play and log on everyday. UI changes, good. card combiner, better (though i hope Global would also make card removers accessible permanently, even through shop, not just on another silly event).

TLDR, good update. looking forward for Global's move.

(here's hoping Global won't give up on us yet)

I did check to see if Korea had any voices for Spica, but there were none. I know Japan will be getting voices upon launch since there are already demos of it on their website. In fact, Japan will receive Challenges tonight.

I've been more busy at work than anything else, but I managed to finally settle down and get to posting about Pangya Challenges for you all.

As for Spica_Pangyabot, nah I'm over that, haha.

Yeah, the good thing about Daily Quests is that it will last however long you want it to be. Then if you decide that you had enough, you can check to see what today's quest are if you want to do that instead.

Ranking and Achievements will be two separate systems. Achievements are more of your personal goals that you want to achieve.

Oh yeah, in case you want a direct download to Spica's Theme (Mute)


You should also mention that like Safe Silent, you can only carry one Wind Strength Potion at any given time.

Hmm, can't wait to try that one. Was wondering what would the vocal set clubs do on that one, but I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer to figure that out.

Looking great overall, just one question about card synthesis: are there certain rates to it (like putting in 2 SRs and getting a random one of the same rank guaranteed) or is it completely random? Either way, I'll be on to check it out once I get my comp up and running (and once I recover haha) many thanks for the info yet again.

Finally can play in high resolution. \o/ Thanks for the info ~

Nice update Rich. I like how you can finally use a lot of cards that sit around to make a possibly better card. Spica looks really fun with her animations as well. Love how she kicks the ball in when putting under 1 yard! (lol)

I am curious to see what Spica's voice will sound like in KR/JP/TH/Global. So can another player be able to view your personal achievements or is that something only to be viewed to the player only?

Hey Rich, havent been on ur blog for a while. It seems they have finally accepted my suggestion for a Daily Challenges system (LOL jk...did post a topic abt that in 2011). Cant wait to see what comes next.

Spica imo isnt groundbreaking but I'll still have her I guess

The Mad Rabbit set isn't there.... You double posted the Zephyr Lab uniform instead...

Would be the synthesized card sellable?

Is it doable/easy to set up the UI with higher resolution to allow calcing with the bar still? If so omfg want so bad so fast

Oh it's just like that other item then. Alright.

Japan did get voice clubs made just for Spica on Gacha, but Korea has not gotten them.

It seems to just improve the odds basically. If you are aiming towards getting a SR or higher, you may as well go for 3 SR to synthesize. You may get away with it by adding 2 SR and 1 R for a random SR card, but chances are obviously will be lower.

I want our Blazblue match, now.

It looks really good. It feels like Pangya just upgraded from PS1 to PS3 graphics to me. (used to be a 640x480 player)

Spica animations are very fluid for sure, since she's new and all. And yeah you can just waste a bunch of normal cards and get a rare card, then use those rare cards and attempt to get a super rare, and so forth.

As for achievements, yes it can be viewed by anyone.

On Korean server, yes. On other servers, highly doubt it.

I can't comment much on that one seeing how I haven't played this game seriously in a very long time. Maybe someone can enlighten this?

I'm really curious, I haven't seriously played in a long time either but with all these new changes and especially if you CAN play competitively at higher res that way...I probably will come back.

If you have time, can you post what does a synthesized card looks like?

Lol sorry, I just viewed the video you provided and it turns out that a synthesized card are just a mix of cards to turn into something already there, not the thing I thought that it would up into something very useful and more powerful different kind of card (like a combination of 3 cadie SR, [love]). Sorry for the confusion.

I'll be on PSN tomorrow (well I guess technically today) in the afternoon/evening if you wanna go then.

Hi I want to ask o-o)/

Does the Abbot Shards have any use now on Challenges? I was skimming through Pangya Jp's website about Pangya Challenges and I saw a pic of it being placed on the card synthesis together with other cards (http://pangya.jp/event/201212_pangya_challenges/update06.html).

Hi is there a use for Abbot elemental shards now?

I was browsing on Pangya Jp's page for Pangya Challenge and I saw the abbot shard seems to be on use at one of the card synthesize preview pic.

WHEN?! When it appears in Pangya US?!?! OH, I WAIT HER SO MUCH!!! <3

Did you.. really used all those SC and SR cards or was it a GM demo?

So Challenges is on global now. ~150 (got just before 150 achievement) card synthesis and I got a SC Lucia card (sad) I believe it was actually from 3 rare cards not even SR. It's funny cause the animation that overlays tells you what rarity it is. Nothing special = normal, sparkles = rare, fireworks = SR and fireworks with a huge rain of explosions added is SC.

Also really epic change you can click scale hit bar and center hit bar in options to be able to calc exactly the same with the hitbar in any resolution. Highest level graphics options soooo much better.

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