
Name: Richard (Or Rich)
Online Names: Peperoguy (Was Sweatdrop)
Music of Interest: Mostly RPG Soundtracks and especially Ys
Favorite game series: Rune Factory, Atelier, Persona, Tales of
Game Profiles:

Category #1: Weekly Pangya Update
I plan on keeping track on all 4 available servers; Thailand, Japan, Global, and Korea. Instead of posting updates from each servers separately, it will be done under one post per week. Due to my busy schedule, it may be posted near the end of the week to ensure accurate information. The information will cover whatever I feel that is important to discuss and it may not include everything in that update that I have written.
Edit: As of  April 7th, I will not be updating Thailand servers at this time.
Edit2: Weekly Pangya Update has ended on 12-22-11 on it's 50th post.

Category #2: Pangya
Anything related to Pangya in general goes here.

Category #3: Justin.TV
This is my broadcasting channel where I cast myself playing video games, chatting with viewers, and other fun activities to come. I will normally cast my game projects where I work on playing a selected game all the way to the end. This will keep track of what games I've played during live broadcast.

Category #4: Game
Anything related to video games in general goes here. I will only be talking about games that interests me. You can expect my personal game reviews, impressions, thoughts, and open discussions in this category. If you like reading about JRPG, then we'll get along just fine.

Category 5: Review
I like to review and give opinions on anything in general. Mostly it'll be reviews from a video game that I've completed that I like to share.

Category #6: Anime
I do watch anime in my spare time. I like to go over some animes that I've watched to share my thoughts about it. I do not know if I want to review each and every episodes when new episodes are up each week, so I may not dedicate much of my time on that.

Category #7: Music
I have a huge collection of video game musics that I listen to. I was thinking of calling it VG music, but there may be other type of music that I like to share. And that's probably from anime... Anyways, I will post up several of my recommended soundtracks. Music samples will be provided to listen, and if you like what you hear, there will be a link to download the whole soundtrack. I mostly listen to RPG music so you can expect to see a lot of that. You may even hear some familiar songs that you might catch from my YouTube videos.

Category #8: Food
I'm an international man, so I've eaten many different types of foods. I figured it'll be great to discuss what kinds of food are really delicious or healthy for us. I do a bit of cooking myself so I might even share some dishes that I make too.

Category #9: Event
I like to post up events once in awhile. Mostly from Pangya.

Category #10: Site Announcement
Any major changes done on Peperoholic will be posted under this category.


August 2006 ~ September 2008

www.slgaming.blogspot.com : www.sweatdroplivegaming.com
September 2008 ~ January 2010

January 2011 ~ Continuing