
All donations will go towards:
• Keeping domain name - Peperoholic
• Having unlimited picture bandwidth
• Justin.TV live & equipment
• Special events
• To avoid using annoying ads on this site
• Paying favors to someone that helped my site (banner, watermarks, etc)
& more things I may add in the future

Any donations received will go towards this site. Any amount counts, so donate whatever you feel comfortable with. Please do not feel obligated to donate, I only put this here if you like to show some financial support for the site.

I will gladly publish the results of all donations I receive by adding your names on a list. You can add a small note for me on the donation page if you wish to be refereed with a different name if privacy is a concern. Otherwise, I would add your full first name and first initial of last name.

If you don't have a Paypal account, you can use a credit card instead. So if you would like to support both to me and Peperoholic, click the "Donate" button below. I appreciate your contribution, thank you.

Donation Supporters
Mist - 3/3/11 - $5
Mist - 3/17/11 - $10
Mist - 3/31/11 - $10
Mist - 4/1/11 - $5
Mist - 4/14/11 - $5
Mist - 4/28/11 - $10
Mist - 5/28/11 - $10
Joz - 6/28/11 - $6 (For Cho Aniki)
Laura D. - 6/29/11 - $5
Zevyosho - 7/1/11 - $20
Mist - 7/8/11 - $10
Mist - 7/21-11 - $20
Mist - 9/19/11 - $10
Harry L. - 11/22/12 - $10
Rene D. - 12/2/12 - $5
Harry L. - 1/1/12 - $10