Monday, March 12, 2012

TERA CBT #3 Fiery Sorc

I am back with TERA's 3rd Closed Beta. They increased the level cap from 27 to 32, but no extra character slot for me to test a new class. I took a break from my Tiny Tanker and focused on my first character again, my Fiery Sorc. There's a new explosive skill when reaching level 26 that makes sorcerer class a dominating force to be reckon with.

I do recall saying that playing as a Lancer feels more engaging than Sorcerers. That still holds true to me, but I feel that Sorcerers has potential this time since I've become more experienced in this action oriented system. They may be fragile wearing light armors, but they have plenty of tricks to slow down opponents, keeping distance away, and have enough firepower that brings that "engaged" feeling back to me again. Especially learning a new skill at level 26 made me keep playing my Sorcerer more and more.

Oh Fire Blast~ The damage output is f'ing crazy when you get this at an early stage. The cast time takes awhile to charge up and it does initiate aggro once the circle highlights them. It does work great with either a Warrior or Lancer by your side to gather all the mobs into one area where the ring of fire will turn them all into ashes.

Because our group consist of one skilled Warrior to lure the enemy away from us, there's no need for my Lancer at this point. It's better to have a solid DPS like a Sorcerer to debuff and slaughter their health points down. I am glad I gave my sorcerer another shot because it's becoming a class that I will start with when the game officially release.

On Sunday night, we gathered near the entrance of Sinestral Manor to complete our 2nd dungeon in the game. Lots of people were gathered to prepare as well.

As we approach each rooms in this dungeon, we had to be careful not to get surrounded.

Things just gets weirder as we progressed further. We even got sidetracked to check out these creepy photos.


You can check out our fight to see the outcome of our toughest dungeon battles.

And in case you haven't noticed, we finally made a guild.

You can check out more highlighted clips on my stream's YouTube page.


I'm probably gonna try priest or sorcerer next beta. While I like playing berserker, the damage output isn't high enough compared to other classes. And since I'm gonna play one of the two when the game goes OB, I'd better try them now.

I don't think the overall game system is "deep" enough to make it a "great" mmo, but just a "good" mmo. Still, I enjoyed myself pretty much and preordered the game.
It feels strange to get back to the mmo world after all these years, and I hope I'll keep enjoying myself as much as I did during that weekend.

Thanks again, I owe you one ;)

Oh, so what MMOs have you played before? And does TERA feel more engaging or about the same to any MMOs you played so far?

I suppose I'm glad that TERA is my first MMO experience because I find it very deep. The game system is very rewarding to me where I have to constantly move around (Sorc) or time my moves carefully (Lancer).

Let's see.
My first "true" mmo was Ragnarok Online (RO), which I played for like 3 or 4 years, long ago : First as a player, then as a mapper (ie. making 3D maps for the game). I don't think anything will ever beat RO in my heart :) Great game imo.

Then it was probably Guild Wars, that I liked at first but after a while I couldn't bring myself to find some enjoyment playing it. I still play from time to time, but that's rare.
During that time, I was also a gamemaster on an official mmorpg server (for another game though). I also had a player account but I didn't spend much time on it. This is "another way" of playing a mmo, but it was a great experience that I do not regret.

And after all this, pretty much nothing- Until Tera.
I always feared to step back into the mmo world on a regular basis, because you keep playing like no tomorrow, which is probably not a good thing.

Well, I preordered the game already, so it's too late to regret now : Sometimes you just want those nostalgic feelings back.

Now, my only concern is whether I take Priest or Sorc :p

Could try both. I like to try out every class just to feel like I'm earning something out of paying and spending time on this game. But right now I feel like I'll focus more on Sorcerers and Lancers.

If you like to join us, let me know. That is, if we are on the same server, Serpentis Isle (PvE)

Sure thing, I'd love to.
May not be easy due to the large timezone difference, but if I get to be online at the right time, I'll poke you ;)

I'm a PvE person so you'll never find me on PvP servers.

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