Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lucia Birthday Event 2012

Lucia's birthday came a bit late, but it has finally arrived. I figured every Pangya server would receive Lucia's birthday this week, but only the Korean server got it first. I will be explaining how the Korean server organized Lucia's birthday event so you know what to expect.

Lucia is holding a concert tour on Pangya island. You will be gathering points by completing selected courses to play rock-paper-scissors against the birthday girl. You heard me right. Lucia will say something that could give you a hint on which answer to pick so the community can work together on the forum so you can win all the time. If you beat her in her little game, you will earn concert points that will keep accumulating until you've reached up to 3,000.

Earn up to = Concert Points Reward
300 points = 100 Time Boosters
600 points = Lucia Birthday Poster
900 points = 100 Auto Calipers
1200 points = Lucia's purple glasses
1500 points = 50 Lucia Comet ball
1800 points = Lucia's Birthday Gloves
2100 points = Lucia's Brown Glasses
2400 points = Lucia's Birthday Shoes
2700 points = Lucia's White Glasses
3000 points = Lucia's Birthday Dress

By completing selected courses, you will earn points to play rock-paper-scissors against Lucia. For example, I've done 9 holes/Wiz City and earned 3 points from that. So I can play rock-paper-scissors against Lucia up to three times.

It will cost 1 point to play against Lucia. You will earn concert points each time you beat her in rock-paper-scissors. I've earned 30 concert points for winning, and if you keep the winning streak going, you will earn bonus concert points. If both you and Lucia ends up getting a draw, it will use up your 1 point regardless and you gain no concert points. And obviously if you lose, you earn no concert points at all.

During her two-week event, Lucia gets Kooh's hairstyle to purchase in the shop for cash. There are six to choose from and two types of style.

Twintail Style A

Twintail Style B

Which style do you like better? A or B?


When you win Lucia's Birthday Outfit, can you post pictures onto the site?

Also: What are the stats on the twin tails?

I can read some Korean and it's Spin/Spin Slot +1 and Curve Slot +1. : )

Everything good is shop items of course. ;n; Oh well, I'd like some more Lucia glasses on Global since we've never got the Hello Kitty set ... *always wanted those glasses*

You can find pics of the costume, glasses, and everything else on here:

Finally, about time. Someone else did an early translation on the event but the mechanics were still a bit fuzzy. Thanks for the clarification.

her hair has movement, or it no have movement? because in a private sever it does not move.

Do you have a picture of her glasses? C:

have moviment >.<

and Global does it again... Lucia's hairstyles are in LOLboxes... along with other interference items. Many people are upset, and I'm done complaining since the company obviously did not listen to previous complaints.

in Gloabl it's a little different. We get 10 points for a draw.
I'm still trying to figure out if those words she said leads us to a certain answer however.. as I compare the data with my guildmate, apparently we have 1 sentence we said the same but the answer was different. So.. :( it may be that global's isn't like KR having an all-win system.

so. after we collect 3000point on RPS , the event is done? .__.

hey sweatdrop or any folowers, can u spare some time and cheak out our pangya podcast revolving around the goods and problems of the pangya globle sever. it is powered on the pangya comunity and THEIR opinions and thoughts. If you cheak it out, just comment on it and folow us for more videos and pangya news. heres the link

i finished this event in 2 days flat :3 i lurve it~

The twintails look quite good on Lucia, and 2.60$ isn't a bad price for them either. Honestly, I didn't really do the event itself, but then again I'm not too fond of how the dress looks.

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