Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ellie & Tory Caddies

Another month, another gacha rare. These twins are named Ellie and Tory. You may have seen them before from the Ice Inferno trailer and concept arts. Even though there are two of them, it will still count as a single caddy. Tory is the one with black hair and Ellie with white hair. They will be available in Gacha lottery.

There are actually two versions of this caddie, a normal and secret version. So a total of 2 rares to win.

Ellie & Tory
Control +2
Accuracy +2
Spin +1

Ellie & Tory (Secret)
Control +2
Spin +10

You can purchase outfits for them in the shop to gain one bar on your combo gauge at the start of the game.

So after all these years, we finally see a new non-recycled caddie for once, but you have to gamble money for it. I feel that the normal version should have given one extra spin to make it worth as a lottery rare since these caddies don't provide any special abilities compared to BIG Papel. Spin +10 will be tempting for players who wants high spin and wasn't able to own a Black Papel caddy. But mostly players would want to own this caddy to see some variety of their gameplay time.

For Korea's lottery system, if you scratch up to 120 times without winning anything, you will automatically win a rare. I'm auto-playing Papel shop to collect a massive amount of scratch tickets right now. It will take me several days to get this caddie for free so I may edit this post later on to show a video of how the caddie looks in the game.

6/24/12 EDIT: And now I've got a video of them. Too bad I got the normal version. I have to admit, I like how their tails form a heart shape when you make a Hole-in-One.

Going a bit off topic here, but how is Pangya Tomahawk coming along Global players?


This season is looking better and better. It seems that Pangya is getting momentum again, I really like that. (A new mode, new Interface, new caddies, system-improvements...). Also waiting for story mode, a new character and a new course. ;)

I lost interest already lmao. Also even though the Cecilia bday event seems decent since I don't care about Cecilia I'm just holding out for Lucia's bday event. If it's lame like last year I think I'm going to uninstall pangya.

The caddies are really cool looking and give decent stats. I was surprised they have skins to buy for them in the shop. Looks like Black Papel takes a back seat now, lol.

I really enjoyed playing the Grand Zodiac course and the event itself was a blast. Was able to get a lot of points to enter in the raffle for Purple Guardian Wings; a bit sad that the clubs were Air Lance 3, not the White Air Knights like in KR...The past update reset the pang cap shop amount down to 10m from the recently raised cap of 30m. Also, the pang hackers seem non-existent past this update~

GZ was fun, kinda addicting too and I kept on seeing regular players on the 1st batch of the room (made me wanna ask them if they even sleep XD) at the same time, these so called "hackers" which scores over 290+ were abundant (I witnessed one such game myself, tho after a week some of these players played li low scoring just a few more points to be ahead of the 2nd placer but not missing gold; some still played humanely impossible). There are whiners too and they're plenty, constantly whining about the hackers which kinda ruins the game tho their grumbling decreased at the latter part of the event.

I love Tomahawk, it's given me a reason to play again. The thrill of the HIO mode is great, I just wish the times would line up better with someone like me who lives in Australia. I was always horrible at HIO's too, so it makes me feel a little better about myself seeing my name up in the top 10 sometimes hahaha.

I'm not minding the new interface, but find seeing other random people's characters appear next to mine a little annoying and weird. Though seeing my own plain and horrible looking Uncle Bob is also annoying. xD

Lastly, hopefully this 10m pang limit will decrease the majorly high shop prices a bit.

Hey, Rich, I have a question...

Was the public Grand Zodiac mode temporary on KR, or do they still have rooms opening? Global shut down the public rooms after the HIO event ended, all we can do to play Grand Zodiac is chip-in practice.

Ah another thing, just a general question for whoever reads-- I hadn't played since the second week of the HIO event. Somehow when I logged in the other day I got 12 Chip-in tickets, and 12 Key's of Fortune.

Is that normal... or what? =/

Ellie & Tory Video

it's normal. if you have a sub-account and didn't login for awhile, you might get about 9 keys in your mail. (but since it's no longer 1 key per day, you probably get more than 9 in one shot)

Global: it's getting better I guess on one hand. We just had our PGC #6. GM started to hear and reply players more,they are stepping up. however, some bad issues are the pang hackers and impersonators of high ranks/famous players' ign spamming phishing website in ticker/lobby non-stop.

Many players are very unhappy about how these pang hackers affect our market (whether they really did or not..) eg. Hana ears about 9-10m instantly jumped to 30m (people were offering 30m to buy them)They gave us a 30m pang cap in the shops then reduced them to 10m pang in the next update after Pangya Tomahawk. We have the 2/3 opened shop limit in lounges too.. now we're just short of the selling rares in sets.

that's normal to see pang hackers non-existent.. for a few days.
sadly Jerry T_T I just spotted one today. 10k pangs record for a plain beginner and his other maps were 50k +

Grand Zodiac to the public appears during certain times of the day. The mode is permanent. I do not know if other servers follow the same time schedule, but in Korea the rooms will open on:

12:00 AM ~ 1:00 AM
3:00 AM ~ 4:00 AM
6:00 AM ~ 7:00 AM
9:00 AM ~ 10:00 AM
12:00 PM ~ 1:00 PM
3:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM
6:00 PM ~ 7:00 PM
9:00 PM ~ 12:00 AM

So Pang Hackers are back huh. I've heard about it but I didn't know it was still going. I suppose you either have to get a large wallet of pangs now or be content with what you have.

Well, Grand Zodiac for global was disabled. We were told that it was only for the HIO event, I've spoken with a few GMs and they said it will come back "only it" there is another HIO event.

So Global's experience with Tomahawk is less than stellar. Since we've basically got a fresh coat of paint slapped on the GUI, with Grand Zodiac now being a paid experience if you run out of chip-in tickets...

What the heck man, that's crazy to make that mode temporary like that.

After spending three days on nonstop Papel Shop collecting scratch tickets and going through so many useless crown and tiaras that I've won (you seriously should see how many duplicates I've won lol...) I managed to get lucky and win myself this caddie.

Video will be uploaded on my post above.

The new content isn't bad, tho it gets boring soon.
Customer support is still as bad as it ever was... (1:1 support, unfair bans etc)

Indeed, they've basically gotten rid of the basis of this new season. I'm rather annoyed by it, which is why I haven't been playing as of late.

Eli (Gray) & Tori (Black) in Ice Inferno Trailer: Season UNITED

If you get the normal version does that mean you can't keep trying for the secret version?

I could go for the secret version, but I don't feel like spending more time to get it though, haha. Not to mention I'll have to level that up to 3 to make them follow the ball.

I saw this post and got really pumped because I haven't been playing lately and if we get this on United I'll be dumping a fortune probably to get the secret version. I've always wanted black papel but could never get it and this is even better. But reading comments I didn't realize they disabled tomahawk mode wtf. That's the biggest kick in the face we've got in a long time. Now even with this I feel ripped off if I want to play. I wish I had luck like you talk about on papel shop. Probably half-1day worth of auto-papel and all I got was a single tiara.

Ok, I've went through my inventory to see how much I went through on Papel Shop, lol.

Amount of Scratch Tickets earned from Papel Shop: 6,100 O_O
Amount of Tickets converted to Scratch Cards: 61
Amount of Scratch Cards to win Caddie: 46
Nuri Papel Rare Earned: 11
Hana Papel Rare Earned: 10
Azer Papel Rare Earned: 7
Cecilia Papel Rare Earned: 9
Max Papel Rare Earned: 4
Kooh Papel Rare Earned: 5
Arin Papel Rare Earned: 12
Kaz Papel Rare Earned: 9
Lucia Papel Rare Earned: 5
Nell Papel Rare Earned: 9
Total Times Played: I don't know... maybe over 9000?
Total Pangs Spent: Maybe around 4 million pangs?

/obligatory over 9000 comment

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum. I'm nowhere near that many but glad to see I finally started winning some rares for once. Now if only we had a worthwhile papel rare on united...

The hell?! One of the biggest parts of the Season 6 update was just an event for Global? Well I'm not sure how well received the mode was there so I can't speak for everyone, but personally this seems like a bad move no matter how I look at it. Here's hoping that whomever is in charge making these decisions doesn't do something completely uncalled gacha rares with an expiration date. *raises wine glass*

Yeeeep, pretty much:

The player mods have even been told to tell people "It was just an event". I'm quite honestly fed up with how Global is treated.

I mean they even go far as to remove posts that talk about other servers-- because despite being about the same game, it's 'supposedly' off-topic.

Them lowering the price cap didn't fix a darn thing either, it's all just quick fixes, and large changes that do not bode well for the health of that server. ><

Not to sound mean, BUT we will be getting Grand Zodiac back soon. Look at the event, they gave us the raffle for "Purple Guardian Wings" which give us GZ Hole Size increase AND "Gacha Bonus" for us to choose "Purple Guardian Wings" of any previously won character.

They are announcing the winners of the GZ event on the 29th; Also, you can request the choice of wings (if you played 50+ coins) from July 11th ~ 18th, and you'll receive them by July 25th.

This pretty much tells me in July we WILL see GZ come again for good, otherwise "useless" Purple Guardian Wings (lol)

And yet they removed the feature after the event, when other servers did not.

Remember, we still have chip-in practice available, so the purple wings aren't useless without public Grand Zodiac rooms, they are just less useful.

Remember Grand Zodiac is the mode name, not the name of an event. If it effects Grand Zodiac, it effects both single player and the public mode. Using that as any indication of it returning doesn't really 'work' the way you put it. =/

Can someone help me making a korean account? i have already downloaded the client i would really love to play pangya kr cuz global is crap and its all about gambling aaaaaaa loooooooot of MONEEEEEYYY !!

Anyone can translate their 4koma? They look sooo cuteee <3

title: Ahrio and Ohrio's debut

first frame: "CRAP!"
second frame: "ARE YOU OKAY!?"
"They're twins. Twins."

basically, dude sees the white one and think it's the ghost of the black one leaving it's body, so he's trying to cram the white one into the black one so that the black one won't die

I guess in Japan there names aren't Ellie and Tory

Wow thanks a lot!! And here i thought max was trying to kidnap XD

Correct names are Aglio e Olio
"Aglio e olio" is a typical seasoning for spaghetti in the italian cuisine (garlic and olive oil ). Curiously it was taken as a album title by beastie boys in 1995 and since then I presume it become internationally famous.

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