Thursday, November 24, 2011

Weekly Pangya Update #47

The olympic set, project g, magical set, and black gothic outfit has been updated for their 15th scratchy set. So far in the past two sets, they have released 4 outfit sets including this one.
EDIT: Pajamas are coming back this year for 20,000 points each, along with a new lottery box for 4,000 points each for a chance to win two unreleased supposedly Gacha sets such as Kindergarten and Libera clubs.

A new Gacha rare contains two new mascots that are named Dorthy and Amelie. Both of these magical mascots will have the same abilities except one effect. Read ahead under the Korean post below for details.

Japan will reward players on the amount they played. 5 tries receives a title, 10 tries 5 Partial Gacha tickets, 30 tries to receive Arin's Wave hairstyle (Wiz City alternative hairstyle), and 50 tries to pick 1 rare of choice or 10 Partial Gacha tickets.

Due to recent flood disasters over in Thailand, Thai outfits for both Nuri and Hana will be on sale for a limited time. A new title "Cheer Up" will also be available in the shop. Half of the funds received from these related contents will be donated to Thailand. Thai outfits will be sold until next week.

Korea's 64th scratch set will continue the Wiz City theme with two new mascots named Wiky and Wizy. These are permanent mascots for you to keep and their default color is purple so you have the option to change it to red from Cadie's cauldron.

Each Pangya shot rewards 10 pangs from Mascot Bonus. Each shot may randomly increase impact zone by +2 pixels. Increases wood, iron, and wedge distances by +2 yards.

Each Pangya shot rewards 10 pangs from Mascot Bonus. Each shot may randomly increase impact zone by +2 pixels. +1 unit on combo gauge added per hole.

I was out of scratch cards so I refilled just a little bit and managed to win Wiky with about 20-30 tries. Luckily, Wiky was the one I was aiming for too.

At random, if you receive this message, your impact zone will increase by +2 pixels for one shot. After that, you'll lose the effect until you receive the message again. The rate for receiving this impact zone bonus is very low, so I can probably calculate a 1/10 chance for it to happen.

Other Notice

Compared to Global's early celebration last week ago, this week is Arin's birthday for every server. The reward is a nice treat of her Winter Birthday Outfit set that you can collect. If you wanted to, there's the regular version in the shop that you can purchase too.

Easycrew updated his artwork to show a glimpse on how Kooh and Nell would look like if they are between 16-17 years old. lol

Something interesting came up from Korea. The folder name is called "MC Mode" where I put together that turned to this. I'm not sure what this means yet, but it could be implemented later on that I should expect something shortly.


Sweet! I am loving those new Mascots in KR. It is about time we saw some Perma. mascots. Grown up Nell kinda proves that Nell is female riiiiight? (Don't hate!)

The Arin event can be finished within a few hours easily which is a bit sad. Also, Global Black Friday boxes DO contain the Kindergarten Sets and Flower Clubs. Not sure if there will be other rares included.

Wiky? Me gusta.

If i have a crimson and Wiky, i'll have a +6 without penalties? Hope to see it on GB soon haha


So... is Arin's birthday event the same across all servers, with same/similar way of getting them?

This year black Friday sales, they are putting the kindergarten sets and libera clubs in those boxes. It's a bad move if it's like those birthday boxes.

Hate to say that, but I doubt we'll get perma mascots.
On the long term, they'll loose money if half of the people get their mascots instead of regularly buying some.
We'll know the truth very soon anyway ;)

Shouldn't be Nell be more manly by that time??

The same. I haven't checked prizes though, but I'm sure it includes Arin's winter dress set.

Updated Black Friday sales post. Global server has gotten me to think that people only goes there to spend money rather than actually playing. I'm hoping I'm wrong about that...

I play. When I have time of course. Between college, learning japanese and social life it's hard to leave room for Pangya. And to top it off AC: Revelations came out so even less. :))
But seriously now. On the Global server Black Papel Channel 1 is almost always full. Well when I login anyway. People mostly play when there's an event like an x2 exp x2 pang or gather this & that and win a clubset. That's how I see it anyway. As for the Brazilian side I can't say since the Berlin wall is between us. Although they did make Dolfini a free for all server but I don't know how many people are actually playing on it since it was destined for shops.

Now that today is the time for the sale to open, we now know that the Black Friday Box contains only those rares.

Permanent mascots? Oh nice, this will probably be something I have to try for. Arin's dress looks nice as well, although I can do without anymore b-day masks.

Also, nice to see Kooh and Nell have grown in all the right (or wrong) places haha.

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