Thursday, November 3, 2011

Weekly Pangya Update #44

This was suspected for their next Gacha set before Wiz City releases next week. In case you didn't know, this set is not very popular on Korea for several reasons. See for yourself on how much they are worth over there.

The hat gives Spin +2 instead of Spin+1/Slot+1 which I can't grasp the concept as to why they want to alter the stats that works fine the way it is. Also, both of Kooh and Nell's outfit uses a glove slot that makes your platinum gloves that you spent a ton of money on useless. An interesting note is that Arin gets two head pieces in one set for variety.

It's bonuses like this that tries to persuade players that they are doing a good deed. Compared to how Japan server properly handled their Gacha bonuses by earning all six hairpieces for a mere 30 tries, this so-called bonus is highway robbery.

Most of the bonus hairstyles are replicas to begin with that you can even buy in the shop. The only exception are the different textures on the physical item itself. But, that shouldn't be an excuse to get another replica version, especially Nell is the greatest example of this. Either you spend 120,000 points ($120.00) for Nell's replica trump ribbon, or get the pink version available in the shop for 4,400 points ($4.40).

What to do with my $120 w/Rich!
I'm going to use this fund to purchase a new high-definition capture card that will physically belong to me rather than owning a virtual item online that looks like it's mine forever, but it actually belongs to the company instead!
The 6th Pangya Japan Cup has been announced last week ago. The top players will be representing their server to play on the Pangya World Championship 2012 located in Thailand.

Here's something I didn't think about before, this cat doesn't have a name. So there will be an event for one week where you send a twitter message to their staff's account with your guess. The one that guesses it correctly will receive a cat costume set, kitty whiskers, and the Cat Nyan Clubset.


lol yea that $120 thing is so dumb. i still bet there will be people who will blow that $120 since they probably spend $500 or something per gacha each time anyway. well anyway good luck with your new capture card, I'm still undecided on what I want to do with remotejoy, maybe I'll install it on a laptop and try it out that way lol

I was going to throw in $20 for Hana's ribbons, but then I realize I like her kanzashi hairstyle more than the Alice one. So now I'm going to save my money. :D

The cat naming event sounds fun. The prizes seem awesome as well. What does the Cat Nyan Club set look like?

Let me know how that turns out for you. And sadly, it's true people will spend that much money to let the company know that they are content spending $500 per month on this game.

I've been reading that the rate of people getting the clubs is fairly good. Normally I'd detest Gacha, but I am going to throw $20 at it in an attempt to get the clubs. Had a few friends who got the set between one ~ five coins, another who got it on his tenth.

Here's hoping, right? Lol

Does anyone confirms the slot for Kooh and Arin's Wiz gloves on global?
Sounds kinda off to have a slot for two chars and not the rest >_<

Kooh's Wizardy Dress uses Glove Slot, and the stat is Curve +1. >.<

I see. Thanks ;) Good thing it's not a spin +1, my wallet feels safer all of a sudden !

From what I've heard, the rates are actually pretty good for this set. (I should hope so since apparently last one was a massacre lol) That aside, the bonus is rather stupid, especially considering that 1. As Rich said the ribbons are just recolored shop items (no real special effects) and 2. There are probably better things to blow your cash on.

I suppose if people want em bad enough, they'll get them haha.

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