Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Nell Story

I've had several ideas for making short stories revolving around Nell for some time now. While it's still in my head, I might as well not let them go to waste.

This first comic strip is about Nell's summoner earring and why Pepper has to disappear. My idea behind this reason is just one of the possibilities so it's nothing official nor anything serious.

The Demon Lord has a deep hatred of cats and who knows how many times Pepper has been created. You can save Pepper's torment by avoiding both Albatrosses and Hole-in-Ones.

There are two more comics I've planned for Nell, but I don't have a fixed date on when I'll start on them or if it's worth doing yet.


Well this does explain why Pepper doesn't turn into a can of tuna on the other servers. :P

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