Monday, May 16, 2011

Card Removers

We normally see Pangya contents that has the same features on all available Pangya servers. However, there are also some features that are implemented differently, like Card Removers for example. On selected servers, Card Removers were implemented later on after card pack volume one were first released. This feature allows players to remove and exchange their cards to different outfits of the same or different characters.

I'll review all four Pangya servers that uses Card Removers in a different fashion.

Japan Server

Card Removers can only be purchased in the shop for a mere 500 Pangs. There's no disadvantage of this, and the success rate is 100%. So their feature is pretty straightforward.

Korea Server

There's a testing tube in the shop for 500 Pangs, but it doesn't work on its own.

You'll need to collect flowers that may randomly pop out from the hole.

Finally, you combine both x1 Flower and x1 Test Tube to create a random card remover of three kinds. Of course, the card remover with less success rate will appear the most when created and so forth.

Card removers and even flowers can be sold or purchase from someone's shop to make it convenient.

Thailand Server

Their card removers can be received from their scratch card lottery. They do hold events where one of the prizes are card removers that can be obtained too. Other than that, that's really all I know from their server.

Global Server

Card Removers is a sensitive topic on Global servers. Especially knowing how other servers are handling their card removal features, it leaves this server wondering why they don't have a permanent system themselves.

Instead, Card Removers are given in limited quantities from events that comes once in awhile. It's been about a year already and there's still no signs on anything about a permanent system.

Though I feel like a new feature that's on the way on Global server might be the best choice to deliver these Card Removals freely. I'm talking about Tiki's Point Shop.

What about this idea. It may not be exactly how the other servers work, but it's a start at least. What do you think? More information about how it works is located here.


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