Monday, May 9, 2011

Pangya Card Designer Event

Have you ever wanted to design your very own card on Pangya someday? In this event, you can design your custom card whether you want to see it officially made, or make a card just for fun. Your participation may win you some free card packs on Pangya Global. Get your imagination started up with my first official Pangya event on Peperoholic! Read below to find out how to register for this event.

● There are two categories to submit your card designs: Official and Unofficial.
Official must look like it'll be a card that could possibility be implemented into the real game.
Unofficial can be anything as you want it to be just for fun.
● You may apply towards both categories.
● Can only do one card per category.
● You must have an account on Pangya Global to receive your prize.
● Card pictures and messages must be appropriate for all ages.

Download these blank cards to get started.
● Upload your cards on the comment box.
● If you can't find a place to host your images, go to Imageshack.
● If using Imageshack, copy the code and paste it using CTRL+V.
● Be sure to include your Pangya Global nickname.


♦ Category #1 - Best Official Cards ♦
Design a card that looks like it'll be suitable for the real game. Be sure the card has the right balance without it being ridiculously strong. I'm looking for unique and innovation that really looks like it'll work for the official game.
1st Place: Card packs (x3) of your choice
2nd Place: Card packs (x2) of your choice
3rd Place: Card pack (x1) of your choice

♦ Category #2 - Best Unofficial Cards ♦
Design a card that you want to make for fun. It doesn't have to follow the actual card effect rules, so let your imagination start working to come up with something that will catch my attention.
1st Place: Card packs (x3) of your choice
2nd Place: Card packs (x2) of your choice
3rd Place: Card pack (x1) of your choice

● If you need to edit your submission, you can e-mail me at
● In a case where there's more than one card submission with the same effect, I will take the first card that was submitted. The second submission should contact me to change the card's description.
● If you are having troubles posting your cards on the comment box, just do what you can as long as I can retrieve your picture. Then, I'll edit your post so that it'll be valid.
● If your post doesn't show up, it may be because it thought it was spam or something. If this happens to you, just wait awhile until I check my e-mail and approve your message.

Event Ends on Wednesday, May 18 - 12:00 AM EDT


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