Friday, May 20, 2011

Pangya Card Designer Event Results

It's finally time to announce the winners from the Pangya Card Designer Event held here on Peperoholic. I've seen lots of great cards from both categories that demonstrates your creativity. You had the opportunity to create a card that you think would be suited for the official game, and you had fun making another card with boundless possibilities. I've taken the time to carefully review all the cards that stood out to me and here is what I've come up with.

Official Card Winners

1st Place: Winshley
Prize: x3 Card packs of your choice

A unique effect that I can actually see it being implemented into the game. If you land on a terrain that reduces it 10 (90%), then it will become 5 instead (95%). The most common terrain is 95%, so would that be 97.5 rounded up to 98% then? In that case, you can treat that as a shot from the fairway during bad weather.

2nd Place: (e64)Mainlless
Prize: x2 Card packs of your choice

The stats increase sounds overpowering? Well that comes with a price of lowering your impact zone. This is a Character card, so it can be stacked. As for the downsize effect, the impact zone should be decreased by 1 pixel (low). The original size on your impact zone is 4 pixels. So if you actually used three of these cards, then you only have a single pixel left to hit pangya.

3rd Place: honeysenpai
Prize: x1 Card pack of your choice

There's not much incentive to join SSC rooms unless you want to relax playing the game. But having a way to increase the chance to scoring big time on those pang pouches, this card would generate a lot of hype behind it.

The official card submission is a bit tricky, but I wanted to see how many of you know in depth about how card effects work on Pangya. Things should be kept in mind about how Character cards should show "Characters" and Caddie cards showing "Caddies" on the picture. That's just the beginning, the Character cards should be focused on stats rather than effects, you leave those descriptive effects to Caddie cards instead. But most importantly, is the effect balance that won't overthrow the game.

Yes, I'm picky on these particular parts but that's why I call it official for a reason. That's why I planned to make that "unofficial" card section to loosen the tension a bit. So what sort of wacky cards are we going to see?

Unofficial Card Winners

1st Place: CuteyHoney
Prize: x3 Card packs of your choice

I busted out laughing when I first saw this card. The buffed up image of Cadie highly represents the maximum increase on your impact zone. Little did you know, CuteyHoney demonstrated that there's a level beyond a SC (DBZ reference). *screaming your lungs out while powering up*

2nd Place: lilboyboy(e36)
Prize: x2 Card packs of your choice

Screw playing fantasy golf game, let's just do a splash attack while other people are blankly staring at you.

3rd Place: Gabe(e38)
Prize: x1 Card pack of your choice

No matter how far it can get, Chuck Norris always seem to slip in to show you how it's done. Just imagine him as an actual Pangya player. It'll even make pro players look bad.

This was tough for me to decide on the top 3 since there are no limits on what to create for the unofficial section. The important part is to have fun with this and I'm glad you all did an exceptional job at that.

All of you did great on your submission, and I wish everyone would have gotten something in return for your efforts. So thank you all for your participation. More importantly, this event would have never happened without the donation aid by Mist. A majority of the funds came from the donations I have received to make this event possible.

As for the winners, find some way to contact me on which card packs you want me to gift to you.


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