Sunday, July 24, 2011

Alicia swimsuits

I've been seeing nothing but swimsuit contents non-stop and Alicia receives theirs last week too. I haven't paid much attention on what they been up to, but they've added a tremendous amount of contents and tweaks.

The biggest add-on I've discovered are daily missions where you select up to three quests per day and the rewards will earn you money and items. Some examples of these quests are feeding your horse five times, achieve 100 perfect jumps, 1st place in a race, and more. This would be great for Pangya to have this daily feature.

Retro pink swimsuit.

I suppose I'll screenshot the male version for you female readers out there.

A new course has been added from the same update with swimsuit contents. It's an easy course and the visuals are breathtaking. Sometimes you may drift off looking at the scenery rather than racing.

If you like to know more about this game, you can check out my review and download links from here.


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