Monday, February 27, 2012

TERA CBT #2 Tanking Role

After waiting two more weeks for beta again, I've learn so much to become familiar with how MMORPGs works. Level caps was increased from 22 to 27 and new areas are unlocked to raid on stronger enemies. They also introduced a new PvP server this time that I never messed with. I may get into that on the next beta, but I'm just not crazy about the concept at all.

I put my Sorcerer class on hold from first beta because I wanted to try an offensive role as a Lancer where I'm right into the action. As a Lancer, my job is to defend my teammates from harm and take all the hits. It wasn't easy at first knowing when to defend with my shield since I never studied enemies behavior from my Sorcerer playthrough. Once I got the hang of being a Lancer, something tells me that it fits my play style. It's not all about blocking and combos though, it's absolutely necessary to observe your enemies actions. You have to be completely focused at all times because your team depends on you to draw enemies away from them.

As you level up and earn prizes from quests, you will get different armor plates. This shot was taken at around Level 15.

My Sorcerer Elin that is put on hold if I feel like throwing fireballs.

On top of the mountain!

Challenging Shout. Rawr~

Yeah... that's a little too much for me to handle alone.

Empath showing off his abs of steel~

We have to wait two more weeks for TERA! Noooo!

Skip to 11:50 for the lulz.

*Added* Almost forgot about this highlight~

Next beta will start again on March 9th ~ 11th. I might try out PvP server next time and progress further with my Lancer with the increased level cap. I suppose if I were to try out another new class, it might be either Berserker or Slayer.


Both of my usernames are on here :3

WOW, this game looks amazing ! I have logged on the website, but I dont quite understand how Im supposed to play this game. I know the new version is coming out on 3rd of May (day after my bday), but is there any chance I could play it online without having the game ? Please help D:

The game will be available to the public on May 1st, however this is just beta testing right now on certain weekends. You can either try entering your email for a chance to play one session of the beta, or pre-order the game online or at a store to have access to all betas, and so forth.

(My birthday is on the day the game comes out~)

- "Dude! You're running into the other spider!"
- "Uh Oh"
- "Oh shit"

Last time I saw you, you were level 12. You played all the weekend didn't you?
"You have been playing for 8 hours"
Ok, sorry I asked :)

Nice tanking with that shield of yours. Can see the team getting wiped out if the boss wasn't focusing on you. Tank may not be the best job ever, but it's so much needed. Hopefully, tanks in Tera look quite balanced in offense as well, or so it seems.

Are these places instances or in open world? If it's the latter, it's gonna be pretty hard to kill bosses without any other people interfering, when masses of players will be online 24/7.

Good job Fresca~ I think he may have used his own aggro skill and woken up that other spider, lol.

Everything is an open world except a few quests and dungeons. We did run into a few BAMs (Big Ass Monsters) where we had to wait for our turn, or until they die/flee, or switched different channels. As for this spider, this was located at a high level area so not many people were there to interfere that much.

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