Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dolfini Ball Hunt [Pangya Global Event]

Easter Sunday is on Sunday, April 8, 2012. I remember when I was little that I used to do Easter Egg Hunting too, so why not combine Pangya into this by hunting down Dolfini balls instead? Actually, there will be only one ball somewhere in my 200+ blog posts and whoever finds it first will win one Elfen Ear for Hana on Pangya Global.

The event is quite simple, the event will start as soon as the countdown timer reaches zero on April 8th 12:30 PM EDT. You must search through my blog posts until you find a Dolfini ball that contains a code once you click on the ball. Once you find it, quickly post your comment here along with your in-game name. The first person to find the ball and enter the correct code will be declared the winner, and the event will be concluded too. Happy hunting.

■ The Dolfini ball on this post does not count! You can't click it anyways
■ The Dolfini ball will be placed on one of my blog post. You must find it.
■ The winner must keep in touch with me on where to meet up to deliver your prize
■ As soon as the timer hits 0, the ball will be posted in one of my random blog posts.
■ You post the code on the comment box on this thread.


Whoa.. I'm excited for this, hope I can win :D

we write here the code and IGN ??

As a reminder note, once you find the ball in one of my random posts here on Peperoholic, you click on the ball, then you'll see a code where you must enter on this comment box here along with your in-game name. The first person that does this is declared the winner.

This is a test :) Goodluck to everyone

Good Luck to everyone competing!

The event has begin. Go fast.

It was on

Did I win ? :D I really hope soooooooo ! Thanks again for the event !

That was fast lol. We have a winner.


IGN: (e64)Ayin(e64)
Pangya United Global

Man, you are a speed machine.

LOL im so sad right now x_x

in-game name:iMaxy

code: SXD2510


I'll wait for you in Dolfini Free 2

Aww too bad I slept in a little bit late. Congrats to the winner :)

aaaaaaaaaa.... prii win, crazy fast(mad)

Ok guys, thanks a lot for your time in this event. I do like to try something like this whenever I get the chance even though I don't really play Global servers anymore. The event did ended pretty fast so something like that really surprised me, in a good way of course. In a good way, most of you went really hardcore than I thought, lol.

So congrats to Pri, the ears has already been gifted. And thank you all for visiting Peperoholic and your participation in this small event.

danggg, if this was a "small" event, i wonder what a BIG event might be. lol >_<

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