Monday, April 16, 2012

TERA Plans

All five closed betas are officially over as well as our hard earned characters has been completely wiped. Even though all of our efforts from closed beta are gone, I've gained so much experiences that cannot be taken away. I'm happy to see how En Masse Entertainment are bringing so many contents over from the Korean server for Day One launch. On top of all that, they are adding more new surprises that are exclusive to us.

Now that closed beta is out of the way, it's time to start planning my classes and which servers I'm going to enroll in before Open Beta that will begin on April 20th (19th for preorders). The official game launches on May 1st, but early pre-orders will get an early start on April 28th. Did you know my birthday is on May 1st?

I think there are three categories from all eight classes: DPS, Tank, and Medic/Support. I like to enroll on all three of these categories so I can fit in with any situation for group parties. I have a total of four classes that I'm going to concentrate on first.

Sorcerer: This is a great class to start with if you are new to MMO like how I was. Not only they are good for starters, but they can deal so much damage that makes battles go by way faster.

Lancer: The meatshield role that defends and keep enemies away from your party. You will be grouped easily for instance dungeons, but you do need to know what you are doing since you are leading the way.

Warrior: Possibility the most rewarding and stylish class to play. This class can adjust to any situations if they need to tank or do damage. They have a variety of tools and chained combos, but that potential can only be unlocked that depends on the player's skill. They are ranked the highest difficulty to use for a good reason.

Mystic: They fulfill the role as a Medic with a unique style. They have several pets you can summon which most deems useless as you progress.

I'm siding with PvE with no hesitation. There is simply no fairness in PvP where you kill your own people with no rewards of your slaughtering. It just doesn't suit my interest, that's all. That's not to say I won't try PvP at all, but I just want to play the game without the constant worrying of someone sneaking up to kill me.

I think most of my friends are going to Dragonfall - PvE Frost Reach and so will I.
Arachnaea - PvE
Blightwood - PvE
Celestial Hills (Roleplay) - PvE
Dragonfall - PvE
Freeholds - PvE
Frost Reach - PvE *changed from Dragonfall
Serpentis Isle - PvE
Basilisk Crag - PvP
Jagged Coast - PvP
Valley of Titans - PvP

Open Beta
1. Log in to your En Masse account. If you do not have an En Masse account yet, create one!
2. Click the Enter Code button on the right.
3. Enter the Open Beta Test code: TERABETA
4. Click the Submit button.
5. Click the Download Game button under the Account Overview tab.
6. This will start downloading the game launcher.
7. Run the launcher and install the game (around 25 GB total) so you'll be ready to go when the servers open!

Pre-Order Exclusive Event
Begins: Thursday, April 19 at 12:00 PM Pacific
Ends: Friday, April 20 at 12:00 PM Pacific

Open Event
Begins: Friday, April 20 at 12:00 PM Pacific
Ends: Monday, April 23 at 11:59 PM Pacific

So that's my plan. There are so many stuff to do, but my personal goal is to master learning Big Ass Monsters movements like you see on the video. Going harducore~


Personally I think I'll go for a crazy pick and choose Priest as my first class (which is a very bad choice, as one should avoid taking classes that cannot farm on their own, at least as a primary char).

I've read that they've improved the drop rates considerably, so I might not need to farm much to get some decent stuff, even as a support class (or at least I hope so).

Leveling wasn't "that" horrible (though I dunno about reaching high-end levels yet), so I can still level up other classes pretty quickly anyway.

Now, I need to buy my new computer parts asap >_<

Going to Arachnaea, so I guess we won't see each other ! I tend not to pick servers that most people pick, because a lot of the hardcore players tend to focus on a server (to compete with each other and stuff), so it brings endless flame wars and badmouthing on chat, which is just too tiring for me. I found the atmosphere much more relaxed on Arachnaea than on Serpentis Isle during the beta, with nicer people as well. That's a personal preference though!

I was going to explain to you the reason why I picked the crowded "Dragonfall" server. The main reason was to find groups easier, but you got me thinking more that this game really doesn't need a group party all the time. Only instance dungeons and that's it. Plus there's that "Instance Matching System" is cross server where it won't be hard to find groups afterall. On my youtube video, you can see how I was able to handle a big monster by myself and it felt very rewarding to take it down by myself. A party of 2-3 is plenty for a majority of missions even though it's not necessary, it does make killing monsters a breeze.

I also thought about how annoying it's going to be to do Monster Kill missions when the server is over crowded to get in your way. Especially when the server first opens up and I might have to wait in line to enter since Dragonfall is the most populated PvE server.

I even signed up for a guild just for Dragonfall server only, and I said on my application that I like to join a small group where we can know each other better. I pretty much contradicted myself in joining this crowded server the more I think about it.

So I might actually reconsider and choose a semi-populated server. At least I want to go on a server that's like maybe the 3rd most populated at least. Right now I'm considering either "Arachnaea" or "Serpentis Isle".

I do hope my friends don't mind the change too. I'll get back with you until we have decided. Hopefully you may reconsider and switch to the server with me and the others too perhaps?

This is a bit complex, as the amount of people will be significantly higher on every server regardless of your choice.
Parties didn't have a real meaning during the beta unless you were doing dungeons, just like you said.
However, when the game gets released, they may prove useful for almost everything past level 30.
Leveling can be done by killing monsters (which give a good amount of base XP until level ~30) and turning in quests. Past a certain level, the fastest way to level is definitely to turn in quests rather than killing monsters. Speaking about monsters, a lot of quests require you to kill monsters. This is where parties will be very interesting, because :
- Everyone will get 100% of the XP reward when turning in the quest
- You complete the required amount of killed monsters much faster (saving a significant amount of time to do other stuff)
- Since the server will have much more people roaming around, you may have trouble finding quest monsters to kill. With a party, people can split up and do the job faster, with higher chances of finding a mob to kill.
Downside can be that you may have to share some loot you wanted to keep for yourself; but you can't have everything, right ;)

Overall, Tera's leveling is far from hardcore compared to other mmos (some where you kill a mob to get 0.014% XP..), so one should be fine with a little patience anyway.

By "Instance Matching System", I think you meant cross-channel, right^^
Cross server isn't possible due to possible name collisions.

If you change servers, Serpentis may not be a good idea either. During the beta, it was the default server on the list. People tend to be lazy and pick what comes first (was the case for me). They might certainly take that server again when game gets released, because they were used to play on that one.

Well, of course this is pure speculation right now, as we have no real way of knowing how much people will be there on release. Servers will probably all be crowded (with some slightly less than others), and you'll always have trash on chat regardless of your server (the amount may differ though!).

I already reserved my name on Arachnaea (just like you and your friends probably did on Dragonfall), so it may prove difficult for any of us to switch now (especially since we're limited to one character across all servers).
Well, we never know ! I got a nasty "ticket" error when trying to character preview on another server, so checking availability is always a headache now. I don't mind switch, I just hope I get my name on the said server :x

I decided to go with Frost Reach. I've talked with everyone and they didn't mind the change either. That's a relief.

As for LFD, according to this post, it still does cross-server searches.

I do know that switching from Dragonfall would help avoid the most heaviest population server. That's really why I decided to make this change.

No luck for me. Tried deleting my char and checking the name availability on Frost Reach, but nick was already in use.
Well, it is a difficult name to get, after all !

Character names are very important for me, as I'll be spending hours with that char, so everything has to be appealing, from colors to name. I could explain why I picked that name and class, but that wouldn't bring anything anyway^^

I guess fate is against us ! Well, being from France, it'd have been hard to see each other except during weekends. Although I hope we'll cross paths during the cross-server instance matchmaking !

awww, fail closing bold tag.
Where's my edit button :(

I fixed the bold tag for ya.

That's unfortunate, and "Eve" does look like a popular name that's hard to avoid using. If you do plan to make another character, you could try Frost Reach, or you prefer to use only one character.

But at least I can thank you for making me realize that joining the most crowded server wasn't necessary before it was too late.

How long we can play for free witth this code ?

During "Open Event" times.

I'll be playing on this weekend to check if im really going to buy the game

I guess that will be using Warrior or Archer to see how it goes ^^

20 more minutes until Open Beta for everyone.

Maybe these visual videos might help to pass the time. Warrior, Archer.

i was watching your stream earlier and if you dont mind ill add you on the friend list later on xD

im almost lvl 30 t.t

Yeah, all preorders (before and now) won't get any wipes at all.

We are an odd group to say the least lol. What class you in?

I found the one who used the name "Eve" lol.

Warrior High Elf
Kinda hard to play but fun xD

Oh man i seriouly hate you i really need to learn how to play well with a Warrior TT_TT
i need to learn those timing i take way to much damage hahaahah
I guess that i got a bit spoiled since i play with a friend who uses a Priest xD, ill keep watching your videos and maybe a couple more to try to get better using those combos ;(

Ask her to delete her char, lol

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