Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Remembering Pangya #2

Continuing on from my first "Remembering Pangya" post, I checked through some of my old Pangya screenshots again to reminisce how much fun I had on Pangya. Rather than looking back on North American server alone, I also checked out my past experiences from both Japan and Korea.

This was around the time when Albatross18 migrated our accounts to Ntreev. Albatross18 shut down on March 10th, 2009. Thanks to the migration, we wouldn't have to start all over again. I think more importantly is that our money wasn't all wasted from A18's Mr. eCards. I suppose I took this screenshot to see if my account was migrated correctly.

The best day ever! I hold a card that's worth buying a house in Korea. (not really, but I like saying that though)

This was back when my video card was just about to give up on me. So the graphics on Pangya will do all sorts of unusual things, like Lucia missing most of her head. The more I play, the worse it get. Usually it'll show a bunch of white lines on the screen, follow by the dreaded Blue screen of Death.

As of now, there are no more discount coupons anymore on Korea. You used to be able to win these from treasure boxes and papel shop. Remember Albatross18 had a similar discount coupons as well? Even though it wasn't distributed like Korea used to do, but it was a nice treat before the game got old and became greedy to remove this feature out.

This is arguably the best event ever on Pangya KR. Everyone had a good chance to win these powerful rings for free. There was also a new ring included that grants you "20% exp increase" that wasn't hard to win. This was at the time when Hanbitsoft's contract ended and had to transition all the information to Ntreev's database.

Back in 2009, we were very devoted to Pangya KR. We transcended beyond what any regular players would have ever done for a game like Pangya. As a reward, we were able to purchase cookies, gain PC Bang benefits, and even did RMT to purchase fairy wings. This screenshot shows me, Suki, and Mygo.

Pangya JP was the second server I played. However, the situation changed to where it blocked anyone accessing outside of Japan. From there, I think we settled with Pangya KR after that since it was easier to access. This account is still abandoned, but it wouldn't hurt to purchase Arin's Code Geass set.

This is how the Pangya JP community setup their shops in an organized line like this. I remember when A18 wanted to mimic this on psquare, but you can probably guess how that turned out.


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