Thursday, June 23, 2011

Weekly Pangya Update #25

If you seen out how Japan server distributed their Cecilia masks on last week's update, then Global receives a downgrade version of it. Japan can get all 10 masks if completed 50 holes and earn 50 exp. Both Korea and Thailand have not celebrated Cecilia's birthday yet, but that will come next week for sure.

Couple of new attires has arrived in the shop. It's no limited time offer either so it can be rented to try them out. You've probably seen these outfits before that are already released on other servers.

The first PGC "The Shuffle Royale" will start tomorrow. May the best player (and best ping) win.

The golden time event runs similar to Korea's event, but the distribution is different. It'll be a two week event to give away random Papel rares during specific times. You still have to either be playing the game or stay in the chat room to participate.

Weekdays: 6:00 PM ~ 12:00 AM (7 drawings per hour)
Weekends: 12:00 PM ~ 12:00 AM (13 drawings per hour)

A 1280 x 1024 wallpaper of this male gigolo is available here.

Rich's Useless Knowledge!
When the results are posted on the ticker on who won, you'll hear the sound fxs of drums rolling.

The platinum gloves have made their way to Japan. You can only win the white version, and you can change the color on Cadie's cauldron to make it black. The glove's effect still grants four total power gauges and Spinslot +1. Korea's version gets Spin +1/Slot +1 for their gloves so you can rest assure that Global will get that same treatment as well.

There's an extra incentive to play the current Gacha set depending on the amount of tries you used.

5 tries: Golden Max Decoration Poster
10 tries: x5 Papel coupons + x5 Gacha tickets (silver)
30 tries: Papel helmet for Max
50 tries: Platinum glove of your choice [or] x10 Papel coupons + x10 Gacha tickets (silver) if you have all the gloves

I suppose you can sort of pretend you are playing as Papel.

Random Notes

Max is too sexy for his setup to be released on Pangya.

Ruffle Shuffle~

Glad you like the recipe.


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