Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weekly Pangya Update #38

After all these years, one of my favorite outfit set for Hana has finally surfaced. It does make sense to have the Olympic sets available for Scratchy instead of Gacha, it was just a matter of time on when they will release them.

I'm sure we all are all aware that Card Pack 3+1 deal has existed in the past, but now it's 10+1? Stay classy, Pangya GamBle.

Signature outfits = PSP outfits. Well in case you've missed this limited-time sale that they promoted before, you can try and get them again.

This is for Comet ball collection purposes. You are forced to buy a package that includes one new comet ball inside along with other generic balls included. So which two comets do you think will sell the most and stay in the shop permanently? Definitely get the Rainbow comet as your first choice for that awesome rainbow effect when the ball is in the air.

Under extreme circumstances, Japan will be a day late with their updates due to Typhoon Roke that struck Japan this Wednesday. Japan has definitely dealt numerous disasters this year with the Fukushima earthquakes, tsunami waves, nuclear meltdowns, and now this. If you haven't heard the news about the typhoon, you can check it out here.

Negima's 3rd update will be concentrating on Lucia and Cecilia. Lucia will have two roles for both Setsuna Sakurazaki and Konoka Konoe. More school uniforms will available for Cecilia and Lucia too. So 4 outfit sets total this week.

Japan's new Gacha will be Wiz City Cast Set + Alice Clubs. Alice clubs (Power 10+6, Control 6+6, Accuracy 6+6, Spin 2+3, Curve 2+3. The club design comes from the Clubset Design Contest that ended on November 2010. The outfits will be available for Kooh, Arin, Kaz, Lucia, and Nell.

*9/23 Update Information*

Wiz City Cast Set will offer their bonus rewards again for the amount of times you play Gacha and select your prize. Alice hair accessories are shown on the picture above.

10 Plays = x5 Gacha tickets*
30 Plays = Alice hair accessories for six characters
50 Plays = Choose any one of the following rare or x10 Gacha tickets*
*Redeem 10 on Cadie's Cauldron for a full Gacha coupon*

Their next scratch rare is more Ancient Dark Feather Wings for the rest of the remaining characters for Nuri, Hana, Max, Lucia, and Nell. Honestly, they shouldn't include Nell in this set. Rather than following Japan's Wiz City outfits, Korea is heavily focused on improving their server's pang economy, and they are definitely doing a great job at it. As for the red wings that is leftover, who knows if they decide to bring that out later for more +1 pixel. To me, I've had enough with wings already.

Noticed how Lucia's picture on their scratch card banner is the exact same as the first Pangya United loading screen. I had assumed these white coats would be available as a rare set, but now we see the new purple colored Wiz City outfits instead from Japan. Interesting turn of events.

Well like I said, Korea hopes to improve the pang economy by re-releaseing Papel rares. Star headsets and Devil's Tail except Nell, and two Papel caddies. Nell has already received both star headsets in the cauldron, but not the tail yet. I did want Korea to do something about the headsets because it was getting rare and expensive.

I'll use this spoiled and expensive character as an example on Korea. Lucia's headset was priced around 1 million pangs and her devil tail around 700k pangs. So far today, I've seen those prices dropped dramatically where her headset is around 300k and tail 200k. Now I can imagine the market price will drop even more later on.

Other Notices

The star event is available on every server this week. Just collect Fallen Stars from the holes so you can transform 3 of them into a random Solar Hat. Solar Hats gives both EXP and PP an extra 20% boost. The effect will only last during the event only. The Solar Hat lasts for a day until they turn into a Lunar Hat that only gives 10% EXP. So you'll have to combine x2 Fallen Stars and x1 Miracle Sign to create a Stardust Powder to recharge the Lunar Hat back into the Solar Hat. Sounds familiar.

It seems that both Korea and Japan have been going their separate ways on releasing different Gacha rares so far.

8-25-11: Tribe Costumes
9-22-11: Wiz City Cast Set

8-18-11: Ancient Dark Feather Wings (1st Set)
9-21-11: Ancient Dark Feather Wings (2nd Set)

Next up on the birthday list is Nuri. His official birthday is on October 8th.


where's the new course wiz city? (snif)

Wiz City sets look nice, as do the Alice Clubs. Too bad they haven't arrived in kr just yet. (and more dark feather wings, bleh) I guess until an update I really like comes, I'll be consoling for a bit (and looking into getting my comp upgraded) haha.

Oh unrelated, but are you really planning on casting SMB3?

Hana is a character that's designed for not allowed to have a stocking right?
Many girls dress set that's contain a stocking for another girls make hana look different from other.
Sometime new dress of hana isn't released. Is it because of this reason?

Yeah, it'll definitely be played and casted before Totori releases.

So are you saying the reason Hana is not featured for the new Wiz City Cast Sets is because Hana doesn't wear stockings?

I can see where you are going with this and I sometimes wonder this myself. She does have a few old ones, but these two pictures I've attached definitely shows a great example of this.

Maybe I'm just sprouting nonsense here, but from what I've seen on her default model designs, I think her leg structure is somewhat different than the rest of the girls. It's like her limbs are separable from her hip joint instead of being altogether like the rest of the characters. Well that's my theory behind that, or Hana just simply hates stockings haha.

Adding some info for the Japan Update...

looks like its confirmed at least on japan the release date of Wiz City it will be on 10/27 update

i hope KR will release that white wiz city sets instead of JPs purple sets

Hi card pack 10+1 is a permanent sale. So we gonna have 3+1 promotionnal later.

How about release both, the more the better. Surely I hope the white coats will be released in the shop instead, it needs some attention besides Gacha all the time.

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