Monday, September 26, 2011

Chatbox Integration

I figured it'll be nice to add some more interactions on my blog. I'll be adding a new chat box called cbox located on the sidebar. This will be a nice way to keep in touch with both me and other people with ease.

There are two ways to sign-up on the chatbox. Either you can enter a name and chat right away, or register to keep your name forever.

Quick Registration

1. Don't feel like registering right away? Just input a name if it hasn't been taken yet and you are ready to chat. You will keep your name as long as you are using the same computer and not cleared your cookies.

Profile Registration

1. To register so you can keep your name and log-in anywhere, first enter your desired name and next click on the "profile" link.

2. Enter your password twice and click "save".

3. Now you can chat while keeping your name permanently. To use an avatar, post a URL picture link into the "email / url" box. You can always click "help" for other information you may want to know.

I ordered a premium feature for a three month period on cbox to see how well it'll do here first. My funds will be deducted from my donation page so thanks again for your contribution so I can bring more interesting features like this on Peperoholic.


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