Friday, September 16, 2011

Upgrade Maintenance

Peperoholic will be undergoing some new changes and upgrades this weekend. Blog will be unavailable on Sunday (9/18). It will be set to private on that day so I can run a few test to ensure that it'll function properly. I should be done either that evening, or the next day to open it back up.

To check the status on how the operation is going this Sunday, you can head to my generic plain looking Tumblr page.

Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish after I finish:
● Refreshing New Layout
● New Comment System
● Improved Loading Times
● And maybe more?


Good luck for the upgrade Rich!

I look forward to the end result~

Check here to find out what happened on Sunday:

I've restored some of the stuff back to how it was, but now my new script code is interfering with this layout a bit as you may can tell. Well, I'll get around to it later then. Round One K.O.

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