Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weekly Pangya Update #35

Onegai! The 3rd "Please Cadie Sensei" event has come back again where players fill up the meter gauge by gaining up to 20 experience points. Once the gauge is filled up, you can select any prize of your choice. You can only redeem your prize once per day, and there are few prizes that are restricted to redeem up to three times while the rest you can redeem multiple times.

Prize List
▪ x1 Silver Card Ticket
▪ x20 Water Comets
▪ x3 Safety
▪ x20 Auto Calipers
▪ 1 Day Cocoa Mascot
▪ x1 Caddie's Blessing card (redeem up to 3 times)
▪ x1 Small Gacha Ticket (redeem up to 3 times)
▪ x1 Gold Card Ticket (redeem up to 3 times)

Japan's level has increased their cap level up to Infinity Legend now, just like Korea.

Nell's new earring is getting so many different names on each server. Global is Summoner's Earring, Japan is Magic Pierce, and now Korea is Demon Pierce.

Other minor updates involves five new titles in the shop that's similar to what Global has already gotten. Every character's birthday stickers will be in the shop as well. Lastly, everyone's hanboks will be in the shop for three weeks.

Other Notices

Looks like they are showing more of Nell's darker side with Korea's new launcher.

New loading background that's shown on both Korea and Japan. The outfit Nell is wearing has been revealed again.

It's finally September where we may be expecting a new course. The biggest question is which week will Wiz City be implemented on. Following along Korea's bi-weekly updates for September, they will be updating on both 15th and 29th. However, Korea's hanboks will last for three weeks in the shop before they run another maintenance schedule. So now it's making me confused that the next update won't be until the 22nd? If so, that's three weeks with no single updates at all. But, this almost sounds like they are pinpointing the 22nd to be Wiz City's release date and also include a new scratch rare and papel rare in the mix as well.

Global should follow along with their bi-weekly schedule to update in-game contents only on the 8th and 22nd. As for both Thailand and Japan, they can freely update on every week if they want to.

So instead of reading all my babbling about my theories here, what's your take on Wiz City's release date on all four servers?


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