Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Peperoholic Layout

My new transition has finally finished. When I first opened up Peperoholic at the beginning of the year, I wasn't completely satisfied with the layout. This was also at the time when I didn't have much experience with scripts and html codes to the point where I couldn't get anything to work right.

So finally, this is the vision that I was looking for all this time that I couldn't do before. The layout still shares the same resemblance as my old one, but now it's more organized and cleaner that should make it easy on your eyes.

New Changes
+ Slicker and more organized interface
+ Slightly faster loading time
+ New comment system
+ Html coding becomes easier on me
+ New favicon (Animated for Firefox)
+ Displays correctly on popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome

Other Notices
▪ For Internet Explorer 8 users, you may notice the thumbnail images on the main site is cut off. You can easily fix it with "Compatiblity View" if you have not enabled it already. Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, and Chrome browsers should not have any problem with this.

▪ All of your post from IntenseDebate cannot be transitioned here so I had to go with Disqus. Each day, I will update most of your comments manually until I finish.

▪ I realized that compared to IntenseDebate, this one doesn't have Wordpress ID support. I know most of you use that to comment here so I apologize for lacking that feature since I don't think they support it.

▪ Recent Comment box will appear on the right-side later on after I sort out bringing most of the old comments back here.

▪ I say I'm about 90% done with this new design. There are just a few more slight adjustments to go, but it's no hurry to get it done right away.

Thank you all for your support for both me and Peperoholic.

Goodbye old layout!


(I WANT PEPERO!...wait...)

As I said before, the posts do load as soon as I click them so speed is a definite improvement.
Very well organized, not too dark, not too bright~ :D

Hm...really liking the new design. There may not be that much of a speed improvement (mostly cause the site wasn't slow for me to begin with lol) but the layout as a whole just seems a lot cleaner~

I like the new design here. We get to see how many Pepero each article will give out, yay! Also, I panicked because I didn't see the 3 banners on the bottom listing the KR Guide/Papel/Scratchy but realized that they were listed under Pages. (lol)

I'll work on add those back tonight then.

I like the new layout and i find the peoperos thing rather amusing lol

you put the papel and scratch rare links on the wrong pictures btw

Switched the URLs correctly now.

I like the new design and the "add new comment" loads and login faster than before. yay~
I guess I'm just too used to the black background from your previous design =X

loving the new look and these new thingamajigs, feels authentic

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