Friday, September 23, 2011

Wiz City Release Date for Japan
Pangya Japan has finally settled with hopefully a fixed release date on their special page showing October 27th, 2011 for their server. That's 5 weeks from now before Pangya Japan will receive a large update as well as other Pangya servers around that time.

I don't know about you, but Pangya has been lacking momentum for me in quite awhile so hopefully this new course will bring back my spirit once again.


Yes! I am glad to see we have a firm date on the release of Wiz City. Those Wiz City outfits should be released in JP soon too right? It looks like it will be a cool map to run around in lounges too.

I do have a good feeling Korea will get it on October 20th. Seeing that the meteor shower event will be over and due for the next scratch (Gacha) rare that could possibility be the Wiz City outfits, it definitely fits the bill for their new course release date.

Global logically announce the #3 PGC on october 10. But are they going to wait for WizCity to have the special WizCity PGC, like the 1st PGC in SSC?
+1 Jerry for lounge map

Finally a release date. I'm really curious. Got bored pretty fast with Eastern Valley, hope this won't be the case here. Pangya was a bit dull for me this summer, haven't played too much. Time for a new kicker!

Making lounges on Wiz City looks nice :D

Pepero, Do you know where (if anywhere) we can find screenshot/video previews of WizCity??? I'm interested in lounge/gameplay - screenshots/videos cause i'm kinda hoping to make some SelfDesigns where hopefuly the color-tones and texture/patterns I use would be a spot-on match to those found on the actual WizCity buildings (not just from concept paintings xD)


Nothing like that is released in public just yet. Although Korea's launcher was probably the first image that showed a glimpse of Wiz City in-game, but it's nothing major to use it as reference though. Definitely if more news comes up, I'll have it updated here.

lol! i remember back when we first had Nell and a Nell Fan-art contest... i used the (er.. not the launcher-launcher but the little start-up image by the file-name of 'PangyaSetup.bmp')... i used that as a reference for the white dress, that was the only reference i had, but Oh! it's resolution was sooooooo bad!!! LOL xD

i sure hope they release something soon lol

thx pepero :D

have you seen this yet?

Please wait for Weekly Pangya Update #42. I'm fully aware.

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