Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pangya Caption Contest Winners

The results are in! This was very tough to choose from all of your funny and bizarre captions I've read. An interesting twist that goes from Nell being Arin's sister to Max turning into a little demon girl. That's the true nature of caption contests to turn a situation to unexpected results. Now the hardest part is to select my top 5 favorites.

After much thought, I have evaluated each of your captions carefully and here are the winners of the Pangya Caption Contest!

1st: zmei
2nd: Lopz(e18)
3rd: FepeE(e59)
4th: SunnyLee
5th: Mai(e36)

[Prize List]
Lucia's SSAF Set
Hana's Baby Lamb Set
Arin's Wedding Set
Kooh's Penguin Set
Arin's Magical Set

First place winner will need to e-mail me first at rich@peperoholic.com to schedule a time to receive your prize. After that, second place winner will be next to e-mail me and we'll continue from there until all five winners have received their prizes.

Thank you all for your participation.


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