Saturday, June 18, 2011

Innovation of Power Gauge Gloves

I like to bring up a topic about the gloves that grants you one extra slot for a total of four power gauges. The Power Rune Gloves was released on December last year from Global server. Korean server has recently released a remake version called the Platinum Gloves with the same effect and stats, but with one extra spin.

On Korea's server, the community considers these gloves very useful to be worthed higher than the maximum selling (over 10m+) limit. I was a bit surprised that they would label the gloves almost like the fairy wings. It makes me think if there is something I'm not seeing.

I'm going to use an example of two players wearing the gloves with different play styles. The first player will be using powershots more often to chip the ball in and the second player focuses more on power backspin chip-ins.

Example #1: Powershot Player
Approaching a hole using a Tomahawk plenty of times does give a higher success rate on achieving a chip-in. There won't be a chance to build up your power gauge meter to reach up to the maximum default (3) limit. So you might not get a chance to use the glove's ability.

Example #2: Power Backspin Player
Being able to backspin chip-in by reading the green slopes rewards you more pang, and build up your power gauge for the upcoming holes that requires a power shot to clear it. An effective strategy would be to use a power gauge before it becomes full so you won't waste it. Otherwise, three power gauges is plenty.

From those two examples, it does sound like the glove's ability can be situational to take advantage of it's extra power gauge. But, there will be a situation where the effect will come in handy on a rare occasion.

Besides the ability being situational, your not sacrificing anything important to equip the Rune or Platinum gloves. The only negative thing I can come up with is if you prefer to wear curve stats gloves instead. The platinum glove with spin +2 stats is a nice addition, but nothing exclusive either.

Power Rune Gloves
● Spinslot +1
● Enable up to four slots on power gauge meter

Platinum Gloves
● Spin +1/Slot +1
● Enable up to four slots on power gauge meter
I don't think the glove is meant to benefit every players regardless of its unique effect. Timing plays a big role when wearing the gloves for competitive play. There are other items that can combined with the glove to make it more effective. Items such as Quma (SR), Caddie outfits, and the WT-PEP.

I like to hear your thoughts overall if the glove would impact the way you play on Pangya. There might be something that you thought about that I wasn't aware of.


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