Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weekly Pangya Update #12

At long last, players may get a chance to win Kaz's Papel Shop hairwig. The reason Lucia and Nell doesn't have it is because it was never made at the time. These wigs were orginally released in Season 3 from the Black Papel lottery. Albatross18 released these wig back in Season 2, but this was before Kaz was released. Expect to see Kaz's wig to be the rarest of them all.

Compared to the other servers, Global really makes use of their banner updates don't they? Seven banners!

The biggest importance above all from this update is if it'll be enough to bring you back to play or not? I'm curious to see how you guys feel about it. Majority of these events are re-releases anyways.

Color War will have a team of orange, blue, and green. Each of the color leaders will be built by the GMs. Players will be assigned to a random color that you'll be grouped with. There will be certain times to meet up to see which color team will triumph. This is the kind of event that I wouldn't mind participating. Not only will it give something to do, but it would also build up teamwork and communication to bring the community's morale up.

Players can purchase the already made self-designed shirts that's printed, "Pray for Japan" from the shop. At least one server besides Japan is showing their support. The shirts do costs cookies, but the price is half on what regular shirts cost. Ini3 is not doing this for Pangya only, but their other games too. These purchases will go towards the victims of the tsunami and earthquakes in Japan.

When you log-in, you'll receive a free title in your mailbox to show your support.

Gamepot is still holding the donations page for anybody with an account on So far it's still holding strong, and it'll continue to rise until March 31st. Right now it's showing 1,367,000 yen from 861 people so far.

It's been a month already so the new 56th scratch rare set will be released this week. Meet the secret agent angels that will infiltrate the demon king's lair to find the missing core to lock the evil away. And yes, I just made that story up. This set doesn't hold much promise than the previous set with the included wing effect. The outfit looks alright, but the main eye catching feature are the stockings that comes with the shoes. Black is the default color in this set, but there's a red color option that you can change in Cadie's Cauldron.

Kooh will be receiving two outfit sets that will cost pangs only.

Technically, Korea's 7th Pangya anniversary should be due in about two more weeks, but we'll settle with this until we see something soon.

This event is nothing more than to collect points by playing holes and exchange them for raffle tickets for your choice of the rings, current scratch rare, or gift certificates. For every 10 minutes of play time, you'll earn 25 points. The more you enter, the higher chance of winning to get your name drawn out. The event will end on April 7th, and the drawings will be done on April 28th.


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