Wednesday, March 30, 2011

BlazBlue CS2 PSP Impression

Blazblue Continuum Shift 2 has been released for both the PSP and 3DS this week in Japan. This is a great opportunity to prepare early before it arrives on home consoles for those who doesn't have arcade machines around your area (like me). I finally had a chance to experiment the new rebalanced version of CS2 that gave me mixed impressions. I'm using the PSP version and it's definitely giving me some troubles to get used to that stiff d-pad. Now I like to play Blazblue competitively, but don't expect any deep analysis from me talking about recovery time or frame startups because I'm not into all of that. I play by feel rather than depending on numbers.

Ragna definitely lost plenty of his old combos with his new update. Furthermore, his special moves have downgraded like Inferno Divider and Belial Edge. Inferno Divider doesn't wall bounce anymore, and Belial Edge sends your opponent flying across the screen instead of launching up in the air.

It's funny because he was known as a great starter Character, but he seems to be harder to use in CS2. His moveset is very restricted than ever, and timing is crucial for his success. But he does gain some good buffs like Gauntlet Hades can be used as a combo easier than before, and his Dead Spike has become useful.

Here's an example of how Dead Spike can be used for the new Ragna. If it hits while your opponent is airborne, it'll launch them up in the air causing them to spin.

Now aside from most of the negatives, he's actually quite fun to use than before. It's more like his new changes has made him flasher in a way, and his combos doesn't have to take up so long to finish unlike other characters such as Litchi. I think I'm going to enjoy using Ragna in CS2, so bring on the challenge.

I don't use Hazama as much, but man I got plenty of great impressions from him. I can see he's going to be even more deadly than ever before. I was surprised on how much variety of combos he can perform with his new upgrade. I'll definitely consider using him more since I'm liking his new changes.

Most of his moves that you couldn't chain before will work with this new Hazama.

The main attraction of CS2 is Platinum that still hasn't made her way to the console DLC bin yet. I've been using her for a bit and she's pretty easy to use.

Her animations are quite charming. This is her walking forward with a big smile on her face.

Her victory pose will put your opponent to shame.


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