Thursday, October 20, 2011

Weekly Pangya Update #42

Just when you thought your odds couldn't get any worse for these gloves. If you are looking forward to Nell's Black Pepper Outfit and Soul Reapers Clubset, you'll have to make your way through the Platinum Gloves that will get in your way. The Black Pepper Outfit is a late Gacha rare that didn't make it last year in October since Nell wasn't released at the time compared to other servers.

If you want another recolored version of Pepper's clubset that was almost free during the event, then by all means spend that $40 on something like their new Gacha promo that they released in timing with this offer. Although this clubs's new Pangya logo will appear for any character you use compared to the regular Pepper's clubs that only shows a new Pangya logo for Nell.

It's pretty much another candy box event just like every other year Pangya has released. As a huge incentive, they added the ancient Chaos Horns to win from these boxes. I have checked around and Chaos Horns will definitely be available for Kaz, Lucia, and Nell.

More Halloween themed outfits in the shop, including Azer's Boogie Woogie suit that was a Gacha rare on other servers.

This is an interesting and something new that Global has planned for Halloween.

It's not as easy as it sounds since you'll need to work for it by playing a few rounds before Cadie feels you are worthy. Even though the Seraph Halo is available, I'm sure the rates to win it is very low compared to other small prizes listed. The halo is said to be available for all characters, and that does include Kaz, Lucia, and Nell too.

Even though I stopped doing updates on Thailand server, they deserve special attention this week due to some fascinating information I like to share. Do note that I'm not going to review everything that they updated this week, just the ones I handpicked.

Pangya Thailand has officially confirmed their Wiz City release date on October 26th next Wednesday.

An event that will last one week before Wiz City releases that players have to work together. The goal is that everyone together must have hit Pangya 4,000,000 times! If successful, the server will run double pang and experience event during the weekend of November, twice. Players will also be compensated for items such as x50 Papel coupons, x1 Special Shuffle Coupon, and x5 Gold Card Tickets.

The Ini3 Festival 2011 begins the 29th & 30th this month at MCC Hall in Thailand. Do note that Ini3 Digital is a company that runs online games such as Pangya as a publisher.

Pangya will receive a special promotion sale that's worth the purchase. The platinum package costs 1,999บาท ($65.38) that will get you 555บาท worth of cookies, Pangya character cookie cards, calendar, keychains, and all six never-before-seen outfit sets. (Thanks STARLIGHT for clarifying the other hands-on gifts)

The new Thai outfits available for Hana, Cecilia, Kooh, Arin, Lucia, and Nell. (Both Lucia and Nell pictures were not available at the time I made this post)

Thailand server is not the only one that's scheduling a meeting at a specific location. There's going to be a Pangya Party at Bellesalle Akihabara. Players will be presented gifts with a serial number code to unlock two clubsets: Taiko and Flower clubsets.

They will be broadcasting the party event live on Ustream on October 22nd 11:00 AM - 5:20 PM. There will be live interviews from the team leaders of Ntreev Korea, they will be answering questions, talk about Pangya's future, and hold a small tournament playing on courses such as Blue Lagoon, Sepia Wind, and Wiz City.

The flower clubset is the one released in Korea awhile back, and the Taiko clubset is a new clubset that makes a sound when you hit the ball. These gifts and to meet other people is definitely worth the trip that begins this Saturday.

They are also celebrating Halloween events too in a way where you gain 20 experience points to redeem one prize per day. It's almost like Cadie's Sensei event, but more Halloween related items for prizes.

Korea has updated their 63rd scratch rare to the Wizard sets for Kooh, Arin, Kaz, Lucia, Nell, and the new Alice clubset with a special Pangya logo (Club stats: Power 10+6, Control 6+6, Accuracy 6+6, Spin 2+3, Curve 2+3). There's a special case where both Kaz and Arin gets a new wig for this set that's great for customization.

"The Magical City is held on October 25th, are you ready for Wiz City? The Wiz City magic school uniforms are here!"

Judging from those lines, it really does sound like they will be adding a new course on that date. However, I really have doubts about that translation. Because the 25th is on Tuesday which is not on their usual schedule maintenance, and they do bi-weekly updates. But on a positive note, they may not want to bring the new course close to the same day both Thailand and Japan are updating due to time management, and usually Korea does quick server maintenance on Tuesday too. I rather wait on that day to confirm this for good.

In addition, revisited Halloween outfits in the shop and 4 more balls are added to the shop with their large lineup of comet balls already. A chiwawa, orange, corn, and tiger comet balls are available in the shop permanently.

Other Notices

Graphics will be updated on both Global and Thailand servers this week, which completes every Pangya server to receive this new upgrade.

I did end up getting Lucia's Wizard set on Pangya KR. I think I'll look for Nell's Wizard set from someone and that's it for me. I may get Alice clubset if someone is selling it for a reasonable price.


The wizard set is pretty nice looking.
And yea, complete ripoff with Global's H. event (hopefully my purse stays intact in the meantime :>).
I was quite surprised that we got the graphical update "that" early compared to the usual delay. Probably because the engine changed and any minor addition was not compatible with the old system.

Since the new graphic engine implementation on Pangya Global, I noticed some graphic improvements indeed (such as the fade effect when changing menus, e.g: between Lobby, My Room, PangYa Shop, Family Mode, Tutorial, etc).

And yep, my PC is able to cope up with the new effect albeit barely.

I was taking a look in the archives of Pangya Global and thought ... this image seems to be a picture of a new character, it is very similar to Lucia, more she have brown eyes.

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