Thursday, December 8, 2011

Weekly Pangya Update #49

The Tartan set that appeared on other Pangya servers last year ago will be available now on Gacha. There are a total of 4 sets to win along with a cut-in prize bundled together. There are no more Tartan sets for other characters so this is all they plan to do for this set.

Max's outfit is released really late on Global server, but Arin's outfit is definitely new that I've never seen before. At least these outfits won't be available for a limited time compared to other shop outfits they released before.

December is probably the busiest time of the year for some people whether it's family or school exams. Unless you want to spend your December lighting up this virtual Christmas tree, that's your choice if it's all worth it.

- Snowflower sets for all characters except Nell
- Big Papel
- Golden Medieval Clubs

Remember I mentioned awhile back that they are planning to do something with those open spin cubes? Now you can make use of them to get a guarantee set of your choice located in Cadie's Cauldron. Each set are worth a hefty 1,000 opened spin cubes. There are no expiration on when it'll be pulled out from the cauldron, but it did mention that it'll be changed later on.

Azer will continue the birthday celebration by earning 20 experience points per day to choose any prize on the list. Prizes 6 - 8 can only be obtained up to 3 times each. The masks will be bundled with two characters to redeem.

Just like Korea's Papel rare I mentioned earlier, these roses give accuracy +1 stats. Reading glasses will still be available to win in this set.

The higher amount of cubes required to receive the prize, the longer it'll last on the cauldron to earn. These sets will expire from the cauldron on specific dates so I suppose it'll be replaced with a different set.

Opened Cube Cauldron List
Opened Cubes
Arin Snowflower Set
Kaz SSAF Set
Azer Rune Glove
BIG Papel
Promise Ring
Eon Ring

This week on every Pangya servers except Global will have Spin Cubes and Pang Coins located on both Blue Lagoon and Ice Spa course. Here are the location samples from these two courses.

These images below were tested on the Korean servers. So I haven't checked to see if other servers does it differently or not. I rushed through these courses just to pinpoint the locations on where they placed both Spin Cubes and Pang Coins.

Blue Lagoon - Hole 2

Blue Lagoon - Hole 5

Blue Lagoon - Hole 8

Blue Lagoon - Hole 9

Blue Lagoon - Hole 12

Blue Lagoon - Hole 18

Ice Spa - Hole 2

Ice Spa - Hole 7

Ice Spa - Hole 8

Ice Spa - Hole 14

Ice Spa - Hole 17

Ice Spa - Hole 18

So will this new feature replace Wiz City for good? Perhaps, but I think you can collect more Spin Cubes on Wiz City than the other two courses. Especially now people might have more motivation to open those cube boxes quickly and exchange it on Cadie's Cauldron for an old scratch rare set.

I would like them to expand this feature on more available courses besides those two overly played courses. They should create it where courses that are not popular will be easier to earn Spin Cubes.

- Boxes are in different colors depending on the course, but it's still treated as a regular spin cube.
- If you are shooting for par, all pang coins and spin cubes will disappear for that hole.
- Overdrive bonuses will work on both Blue Lagoon and Ice Spa.

A simple Azer birthday event where you just simply log-in to receive a random mask per day.

Other Notices

While I'm continuing to gather more information for my "Pangya World Championship 2012 Preview" post, I can go ahead and reveal the top 3 winners from Japan and Korea that's officially confirmed.

Japan: -yusk-, igarisan, estee
Korea: ]F.P[성이, `Yo~!So~?, ]F.P[낭만

For laughs, here's how my impact zone looks when I have the following items/effects activated. Rainbow Fairy Wings (+1), Secret Cadie Card (+2), Wiky Mascot (+2). 9 total pixels.

EDIT: As requested by Fresca, here's a fanart of Azer showing off his manliness on his birthday. Made by Haqua from pixiv.


1000 cubes OMG. I've opened about 30 since the release of WizCity. If this ever reaches Global, I guess I won't be going to Cadie's cauldron. XD

PWC: Igarisan going to take the win again? Good luck to all those representing their servers!

wish they put cubes on stuff like sepia so people actually play them... -.-

*-* igarisan. would you happen to know if there's a list of /all/ player's scores from last year? seems one or two for global will be coming again, plus could use some motivation to improve mental calc. lol. thankie either way~

Good Lord Mizu U R Everywhere Pangya is lol

and lol @ your mental calc

Thai: ?
Why Global is always the last version to have updates like WC or those Spin cubes..
Nice news rich.

All the details I wrote for 2011 is here.

Oh good they posted that this week then so I don't have to check back again later on. Looks like the names I had was right earlier, but I had to be sure.

I have added one more picture on the bottom of the post. Have a nice weekend.

Oh you just had to didn't ya?! :P

Pretty solid update though, having spin cubes on other courses is a nice change (not to say I hate Wiz City mind you) and the prizes for opened cubes is nice although I really wish they replaced the Promise Ring with Orbital haha.

For Global, some special items are back in the shop such as:
Arin's Maga Blue Retro Set (psp version) @ 14500pts
Mingti Caddie @ 7000pts (+2ctr, +1acc, +1spn)
discounted outfits sets for all characters

Also, Coca/Puff hats are the new spinner box tradable rares ... I do not know if mini-wings are still obtainable or not.

Update: from recent result postings, looks like the Coca/Puff caps were rewards from an earlier event and not connected to the spin cubes at all. we were just confused from the server's ticker announcement. So looks like no changes in rares so far in those spinning cubes.

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