Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Season 5 Expectations

Pangya Season 5 is just around the corner. It has officially been stated that it'll arrive this spring on selected servers. So what new things are waiting for us in their next installment? Season 4 has brought positive expectations to their players, so it's interesting to see how Season 5 can make it better. While they are working on the new season, I like to share what I expect from Pangya Season 5. And maybe I'll suggest a few tweaks I like to see as well.

Darker setting
We may have seen a glimpse of a dark environment setting from Korea's Open Tournament. A new special shuffle course has players playing in Demon's land on the last hole. We seen some screenshots where Pangya players are in Demon's land looking like they are preparing for an all-out war. We've seen lots of cutey stuff in Pangya for awhile, so how about a darker setting to change the mood?

Season 5 Trailer
Pangya trailers has always been great to showcase how the new season will be like. It does more than to show off, but it gives hints on what will be implemented either at the start of the season, or at a later time. This has been proven greatly from both Season 3 and 4.

New Theme Song
I expect ESTi to deliver another great and catchy theme for Season 5. It all started with Season 3 "revive" music and then "Delight" on Season 4 with lyrics.

Increase Buddy List Capacity
As the game gets older, you'll meet more people along the way. 50 seemed like a lot, but to others not so much.

New Clubsets
It has been their tradition to launch a new clubsets per season. Season 2 launched the Afterburner clubs, Season 3 released sword clubs, and Season 4 brought the microphone club.

Usable Active Items Option
I figured it'll be great to have control on when to use items like Pang Mastery, XP items, and Auto-Calipers in your inventory. You may restrict yourself playing a couple of games with your friends due to owning several active items that you want to save up. Not to mention playing approach mode will drain your auto-calipers quick too. Having an option to use them or not would make things easier.

Daily Missions or Achievements
Motivation plays a huge role for an old game like Pangya. It's starting to get repetitive playing your usual round of Pangya without any goals or events underway. If there was some way where daily missions are posted weekly, players will log in daily to complete them for some sort of reward. Achievements are also great for bragging rights and self accomplishment. Sort of like how tournament trophies are. This shouldn't be too hard to implement since we've seen how Birthday Bingo games does something similar like this to distribute prizes.

Boss Mode
A group of players work together to drain the enemy's health bar. Based on scores and type of shots you make will determine the amount of damage done. If everyone defeats the boss, prizes will be given out. There's not much to be said about this, but we can definitely be sure it'll be on Season 5.

Eye Coloring
This has been planned for quite awhile, but I don't know if they are still going for this idea or not.

Lounge Room Revamp
I'm sure there are several players who have outdated computers that makes it hard to shop in a crowded room. There should be an option to turn off all Character models on screen for a smooth shopping experience. There should also be a limit on the amount of players can open their shops per room. Maybe a maximum of 20 players can open the shop so the other 10 will be for buyers.

Item Macro
It's a bit of a pain having to re-equip your items before you head into a match. Sometimes you enter a VS room where players are constantly nagging you to ready up as you are preparing your items. There should be an option to organize your items and save them in your macros. At the start of the hole, you are given an option to equip your items before you begin.

New Course Launch
Wiz City has been revealed for awhile now. Course difficulty will range between 2 to 3 stars. Every season launches a new course, so Wiz City will be no exception.

Card Pack Volume 3
I'm expecting this will definitely happen. The new volume 2 card packs has hinted enough where there are some missing cards that will be carried over to the next card pack. What broken card effects will we see in their third release?

Better Windows Vista/7 Compatibility
Pangya has been created before we ever heard of Windows Vista or 7. If somehow this can be fully compatible on every Pangya server, it wouldn't discourage players on playing with their latest windows operating system. Of course players would argue that it could be other programs running in the background that causes these issues, but I believe the fixes should come down to operating systems first above programs.

I expect new surprises from Season 5 that I haven't anticipated. Season 4 has brought so many added features that it's hard to say what else they could do to make it better. You think you have some ideas on how Season 5 will be like? Or you want to share your future suggestions? You can leave your ideas on the comment box below. Let's prepare ourselves ahead of time and see if our ideas will come true.


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