Friday, February 4, 2011

Visual Papel Giveaway

Ruffle Shuffle~ I was cleaning my desk last night and I found this code to unlock Visual Ponta caddy only in Pangya JP. This code came from the Pangya 6th Anniversary Visual Book that I ordered around November of last year. I could redeem this code, but I don't even play their server anyways. Rather than wasting it, I was thinking there might be someone out there that would use it more efficiently than me. So to the minority that plays there, you may have a chance to win this free caddy from me.

This is my first Pangya event on Peperoholic, and I know this is restricting to Japan players only. I do plan on doing something better in the near future. Doing a major event right now would not make much of an impact since there's hardly anyone here. I'll give it a few more months until it gets back to it's SLGaming roots. You remember those events I did back then right? Some of that might make a return.

ビジュアルポンタ, Visual Ponta, Visual Papel, or whatever you want to call it has +1 on all stats.

This will be done by first-come, first-serve basis. Well, sort of. I will set a countdown timer below that will reveal an e-mail address to submit your message as fast as you can. Obviously, the first message I receive from you will receive the code by e-mail. Now it's important that the subject headline says, "Ponta" only. The message has no importance to me, just get the subject line correct to make your submission count.

- Once the countdown expires, an e-mail address will appear.
- Email to that address as fast as you can.
- Must include subject line, "Ponta".
- The first person that e-mails will receive the code.


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