Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu! 7

We are down to episode 7 now. Remember I mentioned earlier that the time setting seems to have jumped back and forth? Well it's happening again. We go from another Christmas skit to a hot summer day watching Mitsuba pouring out sweat like a sponge. Chiba won some points from me pulling that stunt in that female Santa outfit. Especially wearing Sugisaki's panties and her brother telling her to wear Santa's panty gift right in front of everybody. Pride has been shattered big time.

Miyashita always tries to be friends with Hitoha, but usually fails in the end. I liked how both Hitoha and Yabe sensei has gotten used to her staying under his desk. It seems to be Hitoha's escape to peace. Miyashita thinks that sensei has a trick to get connected with Hitoha and ends up pulling off funny methods that had me laughing.

I didn't really care about Mitsuba's episode where she's constantly drenched in sweat, but god having Futaba eating her sweat that got blown off by the fan made me cringe a bit there. I remember the first episode they pulled off a classical ending much like this one did. Re-watching how Hitoha's squishy cheek bounce off Mitsuba's squishy belly was funny enough to see it one more time during the credits.

Well the last episode is next week. I'm curious to see what they will showcase whether it'll show short recaps along with a proper season 2 ending or something.

The girl's attempt to make him believe is the real Santa.

While others have failed, he is confident that he will triumph.

A present for Sugisaki? Why I'm glad you asked!

*Whips out frilliest pantsu*

Yep, he was wearing Sugisaki's panties just for this moment.

You know Mitsuba is going to enjoy watching her wear it.

I seriously couldn't believe she would do it, just to keep her brother believing it's the real Santa.

Come on in under the desk Hitoha.

Miyashita noticed that she feels at ease there.

So she checks to find out the real secret behind why Hitoha likes it.

Her voice went missing.

Kaieda substituting was probably a bad idea...

She can't talk so she's using a sketch book to communicate.

But she thinks it's cue cards so she follows everything that is written there haha.

Even in this situation.

Satou's fangirls are not pleased one bit.

And of course Yabe doesn't know what she's talking about.

Another episode to make fun of Mitsuba's weight.

The sweat is cooling her down.

All she needs to do is stand on top of something to reach the unit.

*oink oink*

They can't pass through a brick wall. What can they do?!

Hitoha's cheek vs. Mitsuba's belly.

It's a draw.

Episode 8, the last one for this season.


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