Monday, February 14, 2011

Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu! 6

Only two more episodes to go. The time setting seemed to have jumped around quite a bit where it was New years, then Valentines again, parent-teacher meeting again, and now April 1st. It first started where the Marui triplets were celebrating New Years, but they ended up having a stomachache over bad oranges and had to fight over the bathroom.

After that, another Valentine episodes where the Dad finds a heart shaped chocolate in the refrigerator thinking one of the his daughter is giving it to a boy in the class. So he sneaks in the school only to get into trouble again and it revealed that the chocolate was for the hamster Nipples given by Hitoha.

The next segment reveals some never-before-seen parents during the parent-teacher conference. It was a nice touch to see how their parents act like their kids.

Then we got a snow episode coming up. I was surprised to see Mitsuba in a cheery mood when she wanted to initiate a snowball fight. The spot where she picks up the snow is where Chiba was peeing. Mitsuba looks at the color that it looks like lemon ice to her.

The last one made a grand finale of another Hitoha segment again. She gets paranoid due to April fools so she tries to prevent any social interactions. She ended up meeting up with her teacher in the neighborhood where he tries to figure out why Hitoha was being hostile towards him. While Hitoha was distracted, she lost track of where she was walking and ended up slamming her face on a metal pole that caused her to faint. She wakes up in her bed with sensei and her sister looking after her. Sensei said that she was out cold for a whole day and it's April 2nd. Hitoha was relieved that the jokes are over, but I knew he was setting it up. In truth, he said April fools and that she was only out for about an hour.

This episode didn't have any laughing so hard your side hurts moment, but it did introduce several new parents we haven't seen before, and we got to see papa Marui and Satou bonding moment. That shows how much he trusts Satou around his daughters, especially Futaba.

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