Friday, April 22, 2011

Why so Madoka?

First of all, I haven't watched a single episode of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica yet, but I keep hearing about it though. So this show has been under my attention for quite some time. I've waited until they finally aired the final two episodes before I may consider watching the series. But before I do that, I kind of want to know how it is from your viewpoints so I can understand more on what I'll be watching.

I've seen some screenshots on how it looks and so far I'm a bit perplexed towards its art style. It looks a bit bland compared to modern animes I've watched lately, but I wonder if that style was done on purpose that's meant for this kind of show?

I think the last Mahou Shoujo anime I've watched was Nanoha the first movie. So to compare both Nanoha and Madoka together, would those two have any similarities with the magical girl storyline or has Madoka taken the Mahou Shoujo genre to a new direction? So far, I get the feeling Madoka has a darker look to it based on how I'm perceiving the show's art style and atmosphere.

But most importantly what I really want to know is...

What the heck is that creature?! That face is kind of....mesmerizing to me.


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