Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Skies of Arcadia OST

Here's a worthy gem-titled RPG that was originally released on the Sega Dreamcast system. The Japanese version is called Eternal Arcadia, but I definitely prefer the American title since the word "skies" is heavily related to airship traveling and even battles too. At the time, it had breathtaking visuals that a majority of RPG gamers wanted to see when next-gen graphics were still new to us. This OST was created in Japan only and a few were imported stateside. The soundtrack is composed by both Yutaka Minobe and Tatsuyuki Maeda.

Battle 1
There's something mystical about this song every time I hear it. Sometimes I faintly hear the cry of Vyse shouting "Cutlass Fury" in my head. This theme plays out when battling in dungeons.

Battle 2
This battle theme plays out when you are fighting monsters on your airship. The song definitely fits the theme that represents skies very well.

Boss Battle (Crisis, Opportunity)
The mood of this song starts that you are in big trouble. But later as the song progresses, it becomes very dramatic and epic that deserves it to be played when fighting against a boss.

FFShrine - From Dr. Mack Foxx



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