Do note that this information is based on Korea's version alone. So some things may not be entirely accurate, but I have confidence that it should work the same way.
Rather than explaining everything again from the start, I will only point out the small details that probably wasn't mentioned clearly that you should know about. Also, rather than doing paragraphs, I'll make it easier by splitting each details on a list for easy reading.
Special Shuffle Course
- Two ways to receive Special Shuffle Coupon: Coupon may come out from the hole as you play or some events will reward you this coupon too.
- If you do receive a coupon from the hole while wearing a motion item, you will receive two instead of one.
- You cannot do 4 & go like a typical tournament.
- Room will automatically be set to 30 minutes. Time boosters may be essential to have.
- Stats records will not be affected at all. Except for time amount played.
- On Cadie's Cauldron, you can exchange x3 SSC coins for x1 scratch ticket (partial).
Caddie Upgrades
- Option to upgrade is only available if you own the caddy already.
- Once you upgrade your caddy, you cannot go back.
- There's no time limit to upgrade them.
- New caddies purchased will automatically receive their upgraded version.
- Since Mingti has already received her upgrade stats, she may be excluded for an upgrade.
- Every Caddy outfits will have +33 units = one full power bar.
- Cash caddies will have no cost to upgrade them. It's free.
Card Pack Volume 2
- You will receive cards from both volume 1 and 2 using card tickets.
- There are 2 secret rares in this pack.
- Nuri (SR) - Really does reduce your distance by -2 yards.
- If you combine x2 Nuri super rare (-4 distance) and Crimson Ring (+4 distance), you can cancel the distance effect when using iron or wedge clubs.
- Quma (SR) - If you hit Pangya + Powerspin twice, you'll get one power gauge. (no joke)
- Dolfini (N) - 1 bonus pang per ball bounce (max is 20).
- Dolfini (R) - 2 bonus pangs per ball bounce (max is 40).
- Cadie (R) - Increase impact zone by +1 pixel if you have 1m wind.
- Titanboo (N) - If you get 9m, it'll be 8m instead.
- Pang Pouch (S) - Receive a range between 100~3000(?) pangs.
- Rainbow Feather (N) - Increase impact zone by +1 pixel.
- Fairy Ears (R) - Increases impact zone by +2 pixels.
- You cannot stack Rainbow Feather (N) and Fairy Ear (R) effects together.
- Abbot Elemental Shard, just keep it. There's no telling what it'll do, yet.
Rental System
- Renting costs pangs. That's right, pangs.
- Stats will remain the same as cookie version.
- It'll have card slots on them.
- You can rent as much as you can.
- You cannot rent motion items or event outfits.
Basic System
- Only available for those who are Junior A or below.
- These basic outfits are only available for Nuri, Hana, Azer, and Cecilia.
- Baisc outfits are very cheap to purchase and gives cookie stats.
- No card slots on basic outfits.
Title System
- GOLD title may be bugged where it un-equips every time you log out of the game. It's done that to me on both Korea and Japan servers.
- If new record tab occurs, you may have to build up your Season records to meet the title's requirements.
Pangya Bar
- Yard readings will become more precise.
- Once you select your power, it'll tell you how much yards you are hitting.
Special Awards
- Only three awards items will be available from the start.
- Glasses of Twilight example
- Jester's Wig example
- When you receive your award item, it'll only last up to 7 real time days before it disappears.
I'd say there could be more undiscovered features that Global hasn't said yet. I'll make a list of what could be changed, and this list will be updated once the servers are back up to determine if it's true or false. Your participation would be beneficial to me too.
□ Undetermined | √ True | Ӿ False
√ New record tab. (Season & Total)
Ӿ Cannon fires are not operational on Silvia Cannon.
Ӿ On "Ice" courses, the ball will bounce correctly from the ice path.
Ӿ Windows Full-screen mode
□ Receive card removers from SSC treasures. Example
√ Ghost mode will be broken just like how it is in Korea and Japan servers.
√ If shuffle bonus will be 10% instead of 20%.
Ӿ Will Papel lottery be fixed where you can win at least one Tiki Report Scroll?
I plan to post an intensive review of Pangya United as a whole sometime this weekend.
4-28-11: Gotten some results from the new changes. Some, I'm quite surprised.
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