Sunday, January 16, 2011

Valkyria Chronicles 3 Impression

The sequel returns on the PSP again to take control of your army squad once again. Valkyria Chronicles 3 falls under the same time frame as the first game in a side story that revolves an unwanted Gallian army known as Nameless where each troops are referred to as a number rather than their names. The squad will be ordered from the Gallian military to do the dirty work and dangerous missions for them. Nameless # 7, Kurt Iving, takes a stand to think they deserve more than this and to prove it by standing up against the Imperial unity known as the Calamity Raven. The other two heroines plays an important role where Riela will discover that she is a descendant of the Valkyria and Imca who seeks to hunt down the Valkyria that destroyed her home.

Master Table
Each troops will have their own master table to unlock new potentials. If this replaces unlocking random potentials like the previous titles, then I'll highly favor this new system. In the previous titles, I disliked that battle potentials may unlock randomly according to what you do in battle. In most cases, you really won't know what you will unlock for that particular troop until it randomly happens.

The master table goes more in depth where particular classes unlock different potentials. As you advance further, they will learn a powerful high potential which is the best and most effective in battle.

Troop Class
The 5 basic classes are back from Valkyria Chronicles 2. Instead of you switching classes manually, it'll automatically be done by simply changing your weapons instead. How's that for convenience? Every troops can change to any classes they want to be, even the story characters too and it would also change their appearance. Previously, you would had to split your experience points for each classes, but this time it's all distributed as a whole. I don't see it anywhere mentioning about upgrading those 5 classes to advanced classes like in VC2, but if they done away with the random credit drop system just to make the game longer (and to annoy you), then wonderful.

The same training instructor is back to watch you sweat.

Special Points
Here's a new feature added for combat that can turn the tide around. Spend 1 SP on one character to release their special skill to unleash havoc. After you end your move, the selected person will return back to normal. Sadly, I think this only works for primary Characters so not everyone will have this.

We'll rush through them and attack at the same time on my command!

If I see a Valkyria pointing that godly spear at me, I would hightail it out of there.

Multiple targets locked-on. Any last words?

Overall Thoughts
It really sounds like they took the annoying parts of VC2, and made it even better. On the battle map screen, I really like how the character portraits are presented on the right side of the screen that the previous two games haven't done. It really makes them stand out more.

Liking the new interface. A fresh new look.

Since this will take place the same time as VC1, you can expect to see lots of familiar faces if you played the previous titles. I commend VC3 for having a decent main character now. Welkin was a bit of an airhead that is obsessed with nature, and Avan was too cheery with his laughs, "Aha! Aha-ha-ha-ha!". Kurt seems to be the serious type from the way you look at him, and that alone makes me respect his character more than the previous two. Not just Kurt, but the other cast are looking great too so I'm looking forward to learn more about their personality.

I like the new direction of the main character on VC3.

I do wish that they didn't take out ad-hoc multiplayer that Valkyria Chronicles 2 had. It may not be a bother to most people, but I did try it out using ad-hoc party on the PS3 to play with Kaoess that made it much more enjoyable working together on a mission. They did mention to make up for the loss of this function, that the story will be more immerse or something along the lines. I guess I'll forgive.

Of course the biggest disappointment is that it's only for the PSP instead of the PS3. I definitely agree that it'll look gorgeous on the PS3, but I'm beginning to see that handheld gaming is very popular in Japan. Not to mention the funds to produce this game hardly comes close to making it on the PS3. If they ever make a Valkyria Chronicles 4, they would have to make it for the PS3 to appeal to their fans. I think they will if VC3 becomes a hit.

It will be released in Japan on January 27, 2011. US release date will just have to wait, but most likely it should release this fall season.


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