Friday, January 7, 2011

ATH-SQ5 Review

After the long wait for my late Christmas present, I finally received my ATH-SQ5 headphones in the mail today. These headphones are made by the popular Audio-Technica company located in Japan. After listening to it for a couple of hours, I'm pleased with my first high quality headphones I've ever owned. Read further on my review below. This review is from someone who never owned a nice quality headphones before so expect to see lots surprising reactions from me.

After my old headphone cord got chewed up by one of the cats that was a souvenir gift from Korea, I've been using earbuds for the time being. I never got around to finding another decent headphones until it got close to December.

I searched around and spoke with Fresca and he recommended me the ATH-SQ5 that he owns himself. After reading the reviews, I decided to ask for this specific headphones for Christmas. Due to the busy holiday, the shipping took exactly 3 weeks from Hong Kong.

The design is what encouraged me to get this headphone even more. The rectangle shape looks different than most headphone styles out there. It's very light-weight and smaller than I thought for easy storage for its compact size. You can twist the cups so it'll be easier to flatten it down on your desk when your not using it.

There are 4 colors to choose from and I picked red out of white, black, and pink.

Sound Quality
I noticed some of the songs I listened to sounded very hollow, but that was because most of the songs I had are in low quality. After tracking down the best quality songs I've got, I finally got the intended results I wanted. This really tells me how sensitive these headphones can get to pick up that much detail. This headphone demanded me to play high quality music. What really brings out the full potential is to tweak with the music equalizer. By doing this, I found the sweet spot that sent shivers down my spine.

I've picked a few of some upbeat songs I grew bored of hearing after listening to it so many times. With the new headphones, the impact that I was hearing took a shine on me. It was like listening to an enhanced version of the one I've been listening to all the time. The amount of kick the bass delivers is quite exceptional too.

The sound does leak considerably if it's not placed in your ear correctly. As soon as you remove those cans from your ears, it'll blast out. I'm the kind of person that likes to listen their music without having a few people giving you the stares like I'm doing this for attention. This can relate to how people in their vehicles playing rap music with their volumes cranked all the way up with the windows down. I prefer cranking up the music with sound proof windows. But since I have it kind of tight around my ear, it doesn't leak all that much where it sounds muffled to any people nearby me.

So far I've been wearing it for 3 hours straight and there's no signs of discomfort at all. It does feel hot around your ears, but it wasn't as much that lead me to sweat. Even though the rectangle shape may lead people to think it won't fit inside your ear, it manages to position perfectly in my ear.

The shape of the headphone provides much flexibility that it should fit on anyone's head. I didn't mind having the cans around my ears a bit tight since cushion pads provides enough comfort to ease the tension.

As you can tell, I'm quite pleased with the result. I was a bit iffy at first about the sound quality when listening to those low quality music I had. But after messing around and using the equalizer, it made a huge impact to me. It costs around $70.00 and it came from this place. Now if you excuse me, I got a lot of music to listen to.


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