Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Pangya KR Entry

Pangya KR has implemented a perplexed log-in system where the old launcher becomes of no use anymore starting on November 18, 2010. I had a few people asking me about this so I figured I'll make a post about this. More importantly, this has nothing to do with you being banned or anything related so you're fine. Basically, instead of logging in the old fashion way, you must log-in from their website instead. You will also need a new launcher to open up the game too. In this post, I will demonstrate step-by-step on how to log to Korea's server again.

If you use the old launcher, you will be treated with this message below.

Your message may show differently depending on what system locale your set on your computer. But anyways, it tells you that they changed their system where you must log-in from their website. So let's continue with the steps needed to get this working again.

1. Go to their Website.

2. Log-in your information with your ID and password.

2a. If you see this, you have an option to change your password. Do what you wish on this page and continue on to step 3. You may change your password at any time without the need of your social security number anymore.

3. Once successfully logged in, click on "Game Start" with a picture of Dolfini on there.

4. You will get a pop-up message saying that you must have Gametree Launcher to open. Click "Ok" to download and install the launcher. Download speed may vary depending on your location, but file size is not that big anyways so it shouldn't be a problem.

5. Now refresh the homepage again if needed and click on "Game Start" again.

6. If all done successfully, the Pangya launcher will open up and you'll know what to do from there. Once the game opens, you won't have to log-in again and it'll take you straight to the server select screen.

Easy wasn't it? The next time you want to play just do the same thing except you wouldn't need to download another launcher again. I'm trying to get back into the game so I applied a Korean bank online hoping to gain access to those cookies again since I'll be running short of supplies like boosters and auto-calipers later on.


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